Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Frontiers

For some time now, I have been looking for a way to communicate with you, the readers of the Hand of Help website, on a more basic and intimate level. I have also been looking for a means by which I might post certain thoughts and insights not long enough to be articles on the website, but at the same time too important to let sit scrawled in notebooks gathering dust.
Some time ago, a friend suggested starting a weblog, and having stored the suggestion somewhere in the back of my mind, it only recently resurfaced.
I'll be the first to admit I am not one to embrace technology with glee as most my age have done, in fact it is with great resistance and turpitude that I have been dragged into the twenty first century. Nevertheless, here we are, embarking on a new voyage, one that will hopefully serve to feed those in search of spiritual nourishment, and allow me to get a better sense of the topics you would like to see discussed in greater detail on the Hand of Help website.
My schedule, and time permitting, I will endeavor to post something on a daily basis, even if it's only a random thought or a verse that stayed with me from my time of fellowship and intimacy with God, the night before.
Thank you for taking the time to visit, to peruse, and to comment, and may we grow in God together, as we journey home.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.


  1. Thank you brother, I pray that God will bless you in this.
    This is an answer to prayer for me.

    In Jesus,

    Vicky, USA

  2. Hey brother, the whole idea of being real and transparent and in love with all the breatheren excites God and places yourself among us and not behind a wall of bodyguards to which only the privilaged get to speak to. You are a brother in Christ with a calling and each one of our callings is just as important as yours. So I believe your blogging is accepted in Christ :)

  3. well I dont know about the other 50 million hungry people out there but this is one greatful worm..thank you for going out of your way to minister to those in need of spiritual food.. God Love You

  4. Nice to see you join the blogosphere :-)

  5. hello, Michael
    i don't know what to say so, ill just say it right here, right now
    i need the answers to my questions, why would I ask you? you're the grand son of a possible prophet and i can only hope the almighty still speaks through your family because i have so many questions wished to be answered
    i dont know where to start so i will merely ask this question in confirmation

    I do not mean to be rude but with the fact that it is VERY easy to just plain out lie about something on the internet how one cannot know prophets by fruits because you do not know them by person ,i need to know

    Have you um Tested the spirits to see as to whether they are of god and even if you did could you do it again...i don't know if i can trust you you know.
    Its not a insult i promise i just don't know how to trust you so please do that for me and just to be sure ill ask God to do the, two witness thing for me if it isn't much trouble...
    please answer me,please

  6. Dear Anonymous,
    Because it is so difficult to trust anyone nowadays, I continually point to the word of God and encourage people to trust it, rather than myself or my grandfather before me.
    Knowing that God judges those who say they speak in His name yet speak from their bellies,and having a right fear of the Lord in my heart, I do test the spirits, ask God for confirmation of any dream or vision that I receive, and after much prayer and fasting, and having received the sought after confirmation, do I make them public.
    I can no more convince you of the verasity of the things that God has shown myself or my grandfather, than I could convince a blind man how breathtaking a sunset truly is. It is not my duty, to convince anyone of myself, but to point them to Christ and the cross, to compel them to seek God out for themselves, and learn to hear His voice for themselves.
    Pray for discernment, then you will know the truth of a man's words. it as simple as that.
    I live by the simple maxim, that men can think the worst of me, as long as they believe the best of Christ.
    Having said that, if you do have questions, I will do my best in answering them in the light of God's holy Word.

    With love in Christ,

    Michael Boldea Jr.

  7. thank you, sir
    now I believe you as a man of god who prophesies and speaks with The Almighty.
    I have a lot of questions but I do not wish to burden you with so many so I'll go with a few per comment
    I'll post 3 for now

    Could there be a link between the "Church" of Scientology and the figures of Revelation who are against The Christ
    why I ask this is because when one goes to and types in "Scientology vs. Christianity" the first link on the very top shows evidence that Scientology is a more of a belief that opposes the doctrines of the Church
    especially when one looks at the word ... anti-christ
    2:Is the man Thomas S. Gibson a fellow prophet and the other ones on this website link (excluding from your grandfather of course)

    3:Which time period IS the actual day of worship/sabbath
    Friday Sunset-Saturday Sunset( groups that support this believe that Christianity was corrupted by paganism by the Edict of Milan by Constantine of Rome)
    Sunday worship (main stream belief)

    please do not make me your top priority in answering these questions unless God wishes it so


  8. Dear Michael,
    you don't need to answer the question about the sabbath, God answered it for me within 7 verses at Acts 20
    And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.
    irrefutable truth that Sunday is the proper day of worship.
    I guess God answered that question for me. ha,
    The reason why I asked that question was because of things I heard from 7th day Adventists about how only the ceremonial law was abolished through the nails of the cross and not the moral law (they say 10 commandments) so I'm sorry to ask this but,
    When one says the Law of Moses does one include the 10 Commandments?
    P.S. where are the other comments I left concerning the existence and fulfillment of the parts of clay and Iron feet kingdom of Daniel 2? The comment system doesn't seem to be working with me...
    although since comment moderation is enabled the better question would be, why are you censoring my comments about the Mediterranean Union at the front of the blog?
    This is the only way I can communicate with you since I'm only a teenager without a e-mail address.
