Thursday, January 22, 2009

Loose Ends

At long last, the next installment of the teaching on the book of Revelation is up on the hand of help website. We've also included another link on the homepage called 'free audio', which have over seven hours worth of teaching I recorded while I was in Romania this past trip. We will be adding more audio programs as I am able to record them.
If you are not familiar with hand of help, the site can be found at there are an abundance of teachings and articles available.
There are some of you who wrote in asking why I don't focus on prophecy more, specifically end time prophecy as pertains to this nation and what is about to unfold in it. I've even been admonished by some that I should be retelling my grandfather's testimony whenever I go preach, and after prayerful consideration, I feel I have an answer as to why I don't focus on end time prophecy as much as other ministries do. The answer is simple: It is pointless to know what is coming, if you are unprepared for it. Since I started this weblog, my constant desire was to prepare the children of God for what is coming. My heart has been to open their eyes to the reality of God's power, the fact that they have access to it, to steel their constitution and beseech them to purpose in their hearts to hold high the standard of truth, to stand on the Word of God, and to not be distracted or otherwise taken in by the whispers that urge them to follow after a new path, rather than the old path, that encourage them to lay down their crosses because the journey will be that much easier if they do away with them.
Even at the risk of offending or marginalizing some of you, I will continue the course that God has set before me, and concentrate upon spiritual matters, spiritual growth, maturity, consistency, and steadfastness. If these things are not concentrated upon now, while we still have time to strengthen ourselves, to grow in God, to learn the weapons of our warfare, we will be likened to a man who having heard that it was to rain the following day, left his home without taking an umbrella. He knew that rain was coming, yet did not take the necessary measures to keep himself from getting soaked.
Thank you all for your encouraging words, for your prayers, and for your understanding. The journey continues, as there is always more of God for us to discover, and new peaks to climb.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.


  1. Michael, no doubt your calling is sure, I am so strengthened, by the news letters from the Hand of Help, this blog, Your God inspired dreams, your God inspired books, and now excited about the God inspired audios that I will get right into after this note,Thank You Michael for your obedience to the Father, the fruit is abundant my dear friend.

  2. I would just like to say that I follow the blog, youtube videos and the moment of truth archives.I also realize you need to post whatever the Lord has you put down. But just know that I am sure that I represent many others who are looking to be spiritually fed in this time when many are deceiving and being deceived, esp by the love of money.
    God Bless you Mr. Boldea, may he continue to protect and guide you in these darkening days.

  3. Michael...may I call you Michael...I totally agree with you. If you are unprepared for what is coming, if you are spiritually a baby then you will be like the seed that hears the word but the sun bakes you and you wither and die because you haven't developed any roots. But it does help to be reminded of what is coming, otherwise my ADD kicks in and I get distracted or even lulled into thinking (or wishing) things are "just as they have been since our fathers fell asleep".

    Keep up the good work! Peace and a blessing on you!

    BTW - feel free to write me back if you find yourself in need of encouragment.
    Your brother in Christ, Greg

  4. Michael...may I call you Michael...I totally agree with you. If you are unprepared for what is coming, if you are spiritually a baby then you will be like the seed that hears the word but the sun bakes you and you wither and die because you haven't developed any roots. But it does help to be reminded of what is coming, otherwise my ADD kicks in and I get distracted or even lulled into thinking (or wishing) things are "just as they have been since our fathers fell asleep".

    Keep up the good work! Peace and a blessing on you!

    BTW - feel free to write me back if you find yourself in need of encouragment.
    Your brother in Christ, Greg

  5. Please keep preaching on steadfastness and the hope and power we have in God. With the daily institutionalizing of sin and the blindness amongst so many of God's people, we need a voice of truth and passion to keep us focused and to strengthen us when we feel like giving up.

    Bless you sir. May God help us all. These are dark days.

  6. Michael, you said:

    "There are some of you who wrote in asking why I don't focus on prophecy more, specifically end time prophecy as pertains to this nation and what is about to unfold in it. I've even been admonished by some that I should be retelling my grandfather's testimony whenever I go preach, and after prayerful consideration, I feel I have an answer as to why I don't focus on end time prophecy as much as other ministries do. The answer is simple: It is pointless to know what is coming, if you are unprepared for it. Since I started this weblog, my constant desire was to prepare the children of God for what is coming."

    I must confess I don't understand. Obviously, if we're faithfully reading your blog, we already understand and appreciate your message, which in itself should differentiate us from those who don't. But many of us already have churches and pastors and ministers who are preparing us spiritually, who don't follow the latest trends, but are concerned that we be grounded in solid, scriptural principles.

    Are you saying that our churches and pastors and ministers are failing us, and that therefore you must make up for their shortcomings?

    You have a prophetic ministry. That is why I'm here, and I'm sure many others as well. I would not presume to tell you how to fulfill that ministry, but there is a great need in the body of Christ for godly voices regarding what is to come. I can only hope you will not neglect sharing your prophetic gift with us simply because others are lacking.

  7. Thank you for your faithfulness and your endurance Michael. I continue to appreciate your obedience to the Word, and the wisdom which the Lord gives you. Kindest regards and prayers,
