Monday, August 17, 2009

Still Here

Sometimes trying to rightly divide one's time can be likened to having six slices of pie and eight guests; there just isn't enough, no matter how you try. I haven't posted anything in about a week, but this does not mean I haven't been working. I'm trying to finish up a book before I leave Romania, and I am also working on a series called 'the loveliness of Christ' for our television show. The starting point is the verse in Isaiah 53:5 that says 'He was bruised for our iniquities.' I was still very young when I read that verse, and although I didn't know what 'stripes' were, I knew what bruises were well enough since I'd fallen off my grandfather's bicycle often while learning to ride it.
I realize most people quote the last part of the verse, that tells us that by His stripes we are healed, by I have always reacted more to the fact that He was wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniquities. It is a four part series that I'm almost finished with, and will be filming once I return to the states.
I've also been traveling with my dad and visiting some of our ongoing projects in the surrounding communities, as well as passing out food and aid to the poor. Even though it has only been a few months since I visited, things have gotten visibly worse here as well. I hope to post something substantial sometime this week.
I try to push away the thought that if only I had more time I'd be able to do more, and make due with the time that I have. Thank you all for your understanding.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.


  1. Dear Michael,

    We DO understand how busy you are! Or at least some of us do. Just rest in the Lord's peace and go at His pace, and don't stress yourself if you have to let the blog go for a few days or so. Speaking for myself, I am happy to know of your other activities for the Lord and look forward to checking out your video presentations. May the grace of God touch you in a fresh way while you are in Romania. Thanks for sharing what's on your heart, even though you're across the Atlantic.

    Love in Christ,


  2. "Homeward Bound" but "Still Here". Kind of fits, eh? :)

    I like what Larry Norman said: "I'm only visiting this planet...."

    God Bless!
