Monday, January 25, 2010

Back At It

As some of you may have noticed, I have been on a hiatus of sorts. Truth be known, it was a self-imposed hiatus from writing. I needed to recharge my batteries, and I could think of no better time than being with my wife, and my family in Romania. Since I am back in the States, I will resume writing on a semi-regular basis, and posting whatever the Lord puts on my heart.
Since returning to the States, I discovered we will be hitting the ground running and so this weekend I will be speaking in Houston Texas.
The information on the meeting is as follows:

Sunday, Jan 31, 2010 Morning 10:00 AM - Christ Fellowship

31731 State Hwy #249
Pinehurst, TX 77362

I know I wrote an article on this subject some years ago entitled 'balance' and between publishing three books last year, starting a television show, and other aspects of the ministry, I really had no time for balance. I made up for it with this hiatus, and had a wonderful time just being with my wife and family, traveling to communities and passing out food and clothing, and generally spending allot of quiet time with God.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.


  1. Welcome back, Michael.

    Everyone needs to recharge their batteries by plugging into the Source, Jesus Christ. May God continue to bless and use you brother!

    In Christ,


  2. Hi Michael,

    I think I can speak for all of us followers of your blog, that, "We missed you!". Glad you took some time off, especially to be with your beloved wife.

    I am reminded of what Jesus said to his disciples: "Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6:31 NIV)

    May the Lord continue to guide and protect you & your wife,


  3. Michael, it's wonderful to have you back with us. I know you will go and do as the Lord leads you, so let there be no concerns as to how often you are able to post here. We can still follow your progress through the Hand of Help newsletter and website.

    Prayerfully entrusting you to His care,


  4. Glad you're back!! And double glad you could take a much needed break!

  5. Brother Michael will you be coming to Kansas this year?
    Glad you were able to take a well earned well deserved break.
    Your wife I am sure was blessed to have you to herself for a season.

  6. Wonderful Michael. We all will be the vicarious recipients of this time well spent and look forward to your upcoming posts. Many blesssings as you return to "normal" life!

  7. Well done, Michael. A much needed break, I am sure!
