Thursday, March 11, 2010

Certified Gout Expert

After combing through all the feedback concerning my gout, I can say with certainty that I am close to being a certified gout expert. Thank you all for your caring, I do appreciate it. I knew about the cherries and the baking soda, but I didn't know about some of the other remedies some of you listed.
There was one comment I would like to respond to, and that was from someone accusing me of not understanding the nature of God if I believed God allowed this pain in my body. The simplest response to that, is of course Paul's experience with his thorn in the flesh.
2 Corinthians 12:7-10, "And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
With that having been said, I will post a somewhat more substantial article this weekend. We've been working on updating the hand of help website, and that has taken up a substantial portion of my time. We've also been filming the truth for today program faithfully, and between those things, and other ministry matters, I really haven't had much quiet time.
If I could encourage you to do one thing, is pray continously, fervently, and passionately, for the peace of God to rest upon you, and reside in you. We have entered into some truly turbulent times, and all the natural disasters, coupled with civil unrest, coupled with an undercurrent of division and outright hatred throughout the world will necesitate our having the peace of God, that we might not react as the world, that we might not grow fearful as the world, but trust in the arms of our heavenly Father. Thank you again for your prayers, yoru advice on my infirmity, and your understanding for my need to balance my ministry life and my family life.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.


  1. Mike,
    Another suitable scripture is 1 Timothy 5:23; "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities." If it were true that a faithful man of God would never experience pain in the flesh, then Paul (or should we say the Lord) wasted an excellent opportunity in this passage to chasten Timothy for his often infirmities due to a “supposed” lack of faith or some other hidden sin; and thereby teach us all a valuable lesson. Why don't we see Paul make some comment such as; “Timothy, if thine understanding were complete, then thou wouldnest not receive thine often infirmities. Therefore, increase thy understanding and ye shall be made whole.” But of course that is not the case. This persons argument sounds very similar to that of Job's supposed friends. They of course were chastened by the Lord for their wrong assumptions.
    God Bless,

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that gout has been such a part of your life. I really appreciate the time you spend writing, and the prayerful and thoughtful way you go through your ministry as expressed here at your blog. I have a strong inclination to launch into some of the physiological mechanics of gout, and what can be done to alter them, but feel like it's not quite the right time. As one who has had to take her health into her own hands (and been led by God to find true healing from my ailments), I'm sometimes over-eager to help others. If you would like me to launch away sometime, please drop me a line. Either way, my prayers are with you. :o)

  3. Dear Michael,

    How good it is to have you back with us here, but so sorry to learn of your gout. I'll keep an eye out for helpful information on that subject.

    I agree with you that being a faithful Christian does not exempt one from suffering in the flesh. Also, when Timothy had "infirmities," the apostle Paul recommended a practical remedy rather than a supernatural approach. It seems there is a time for spiritual healing and a time for ordinary remedies.

    Thank you for sharing your dream of the wheat field with the three angelic beings. I am struck by the gentleness and care with which the third man in white cut and gathered the wheat in his section of the field; makes me wonder, could this be the harvesting of the saints? And yet, there are no "tares" in the dream, so maybe you're right about a coming food shortage. Those who want to know about the familiar "man in white" and other details can read about your other dreams and visions at the Hand of Help website.

    Bless you, Michael. Your candor and transparency about your human trials helps us to be more that way.


  4. I read that comment as well, and thought about the same passage of scripture in 2nd Cor. I myself am going through thorns in the flesh and God scourges, disciplines, chastens, rebukes, and corrects ALL those whom He accepts as a son or daughter. Hebrews 12:6

    God Bless,
