Friday, July 13, 2012

I Need Your Help!

First off, no, I'm not going to ask you for money. I do however, need your help and input on a certain matter, which will become apparent once you read the rest of this post.

Strangely enough, if God hadn’t taken me to the woodshed over not posting often enough, chances are we’d still be doing the series on the Holy Spirit…merrily drudging along at one or two posts per week. As such, those of you who read this blog are partly responsible for the completion of this tome, and its subsequent release in book form.

Since you had a hand in the completion of this book, albeit inadvertently, and since I respect the intelligence and taste of my readers, I would ask that you help choose what will become the book cover for my upcoming book The Holy Spirit: Power, Presence and Purpose.

What follow are three potential covers, and I would greatly appreciate you sending in a reply with either One, Two, or Three depending on which cover you prefer.

At the risk of sounding sappy and overly sentimental, you are my friends, and this book could not have come about without your prayers, encouragements and input.

I will leave this post up over the weekend, tally all the votes on Monday, and report back with which of the three will be the cover.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.




  1. Personally, I prefer the second image. It has presence and yet is not overwhelming to the eye. The second the third image is my least favorite.

  2. 1 or 3.... so hard!


  3. Book cover #2
    Glad you are putting into book form!!
    In Christ's Service,

  4. Brother Michael,
    I like Number 1.

  5. Michael, at first glance #2 looks like a good choice, because it is bright and eye catching. The colors are good.

    But because the Holy Spirit directs and teaches us mostly by the word of God, I think number #2 is the best choice. At least that is the way I took the photo.

    I don't care for number #3 too much.

    God bless and keep you brother.

  6. NUMBER 3

  7. Number Two indicates power and authority, this one has my vote!

  8. Congrats Michael!! God Bless You , Thank you for doing the Lord's will. I choose number 1

  9. #2

    from Cyndi in MN

  10. Hello, Michael,

    I like #3. When I saw that cover, all I could think of "Our God is a Consuming Fire"

    Thank you so much for all your hard work on this!

    Nancy Tribley

  11. I vote cover #1

    It was a wonderful study and I am looking forward to the book as books are easier to read than blogs for continuity and reference.

  12. Definitely #3!!!! #1 is almost humorous, I know it's supposed to be an origami dove but the resemblance to a paper airplane is unavoidable. #2, while definitely powerful and attention-getting, looks too much like books I've seen about hell. #3 is both powerful and uplifting, it looks like a major ZAP from heaven and reminds me of Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal. I'm so glad you're making a book of this - I hadn't heard that before, probably because I am relatively new to the site and wanted to get all the way through the Fundamental Teachings, with time to meditate on them, before I started reading the HS series. So I am glad to hear this because I was going to print off the entire thing and put it in a ring binder!!! I just did that with the FT series. Wonderful teaching, thanks so much for all the hard work!!!

  13. Somehow I like the 1st and the 3rd one. 1st one...reminding me of the word of God(with the paper pages folded into a dove).

    As for the 3rd one, I think the words "consuming fire"!

    The 2nd one is not bad, but I think of the "cosmo's"...heh... when I see it.

    That's my input, God bless you brother Michael! Keep on keeping on!

    -brother Sam

  14. Oops I realized that I had to just pick one. Sorry(this is brother Sam again).

    I'll choose Three.

    God bless!

  15. I choose #2 ... it really jumped out at me because of the flames... it has such power! I am also THRILLED!!! to hear that the book will soon be ready!! It is going to be fantastic and I'm going to share the link with many people and get a few copies as well!! Can't wait! :)

  16. Greetings Michael, #2 for the bookcover. It's an attention getter and looks great. Blessings for the sacrifice you and family make. B&J Spring City, Utah

  17. I like two the best.
    Mike R

  18. Hi Michael. I like them all; the third one however stands out to me. My vote is for #3.

    I guess to me the fire on the cover shows that the Holy Spirit is truly powerful and indeed an all consuming fire. I grew up in an evangelical Lutheran church and I remember the Holy Spirit being mentioned in nothing more than words to a pre written prayer for confession. Having been saved I have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit that I never knew existed. I never thought twice, even ONCE, of the Holy Spirit having power or any effect on a life.

    Whatever cover is used is great nonetheless!

    Love in Christ, Kevin

  19. Option 1

    It seems so very "You". Understated, far from flashy, yet with a punch. The Word and the Spirit, in one image, lovely.


  20. One! I like the combination of the 'Word' entwined with the Dove symbolism. It is so important to balance the Spirit with the Word.

    God bless,


  21. One! I like the ''Word" symbolic with the Spirit.

    God Bless,


  22. #2

    Ohatchee, AL

  23. Hi Michael,

    I have been reading your blog for a long time but have never commented before so I'm not sure if my vote should count but I really like the first sample with the dove.

    I have been blessed by your posts many times, especially during this series on prayer. Keep on preaching.

    God Bless you,

    Joe Teichroeb

  24. I vote for #3. I've always liked the look of swirls in art, don't ask me why. :)

  25. Number 1 is my choice . You get some of the bible on the outside, great, it may be all someone ever reads.

  26. I like #1....subtle & to the point & not flashy

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