Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Holy Spirit: Power, Presence, and Purpose!

Made it home safe and sound, but not without a little excitement. Heavy, protracted turbulance is never fun, especially when you're hours away from any visible landmass. Other than another flight over Texas some years ago, it was the worst flight I've ever been on. Even the pilot sounded less than certain about the situation as he halfheartedly informed us we would be 'experiencing turbulence for some time.'

Gut wrenching turbulence notwithstanding, we made it. Thank you all for your prayers.

On an entirely different matter, 'Buy my book! Buy my book! BUY MY BOOK!'

Yeah, I don't like that either. I'm a horrible self promoter. I don't like the idea of self promoting, nevermind actually promoting myself. However, since some of you inquired as to when the book would be done, I am happy to inform you the book on the Holy Spirit has gone live on Amazon.

Coming in at over 550 pages, it is certainly not an afternoon read.

I want to thank Joe at the Wild Olive Press, and Dave at Lamb Creek Creative Services for all their hard work and persistence.

I would also like to thank those of you who kept me in your prayers, and encouraged this project along the way.

I would ask you to go to amazon, and if you have read the study in its original form, leave an honest comment, and if you want a copy of the book, by all means, order one, and please leave a comment.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

The Holy Spirit: Power, Presence, and Purpose!


  1. Bought the book!! Yay!!! So excited that the long awaited book is now here... I left a review as well :) The Body will truly be blessed, encouraged and taught well!!

    Thank you so much for your faithfulness Brother!

  2. You and your family have been in my prayers, and I'm so glad you are here safely. I'm also delighted that your book is now available and will be ordering one today!!!! I was seriously afraid America would go up in smoke before I got the chance!!!
