Monday, November 12, 2012

Lord, Teach Us To Pray! Part 199

Prayers of the Old Testament
The Prayer of David continued...

Rather than waste our time and energy attempting to cover up and hide sin, it is far better to confess and repent that we may be forgiven. The Word of God tells us time and again that hiding or covering one’s sin is impossible. Either we believe the Word and stop attempting what it clearly tells us we can never accomplish, or by our very actions imply our doubt of God’s sovereign Scripture.

The Word of God remains ever true. Though men might like to change its meaning, render it irrelevant, deny the veracity of what it says, or do away with it altogether, the Word persists and subsists.

Even when men somehow talk themselves into believing they’ve successfully circumvented the Word of God and justified their absence of repentance, there will come a day when everything will be laid bare, and He who knows all, sees all, and hears all, will judge righteously and justly.

David knew the God he served enough to humble himself and repent. He recognized the authority of God, the power of God, and the justice of God, knowing that in His righteousness God did not judge preferentially.

Sin is ever lurking in the shadows. It is ever present throughout the lives of both wise men and fools, men of means and those of meager possessions, because sin does not care about the position or possessions of its prey as long as it is able to fell it.

Does the enemy take greater pleasure in bringing down one who is esteemed by his contemporaries as having been a man of principled righteousness? Perhaps, but sin itself has no such preferences. Although the enemy might revel at bringing down an officer in God’s army, sin itself is content with whatever prey gets caught up in its web, whether they are a general, an officer, or a foot soldier.

Because we know sin is an equal opportunity destroyer, and because we know the enemy focuses his attacks upon those he perceives as a greater threat, our duty is to be ever watchful, ever vigilant, and ever aware of the enemy’s ruthless and cunning tactics.

When it comes to sin in the lives of believers, there is a misconception I want to dispel because I have run across it on occasion, and each time it is bothersome to me.

When an individual is in continual, habitual, and unrepentant sin, and they are exposed for what they had done, it is not the devil attacking them as they would like their followers to believe, it is God exposing them, so they either repent or walk away from the office which they held.

I’ve been in meetings where sincere individuals would stand and ask for prayer for a certain televangelist or preacher caught in adultery or worse, and they would always send their plea for prayer with, ‘the devil’s really attacking our brother, we must pray for him.’

Sorry, no dice. Not going to happen. It’s not the devil attacking him, it is God exposing him, because men’s sins find them out and there is always an appointed time when God exposes them.

Psalm 90:8, “You have set our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the light of Your countenance.”

Those things men hide in their hearts, thinking no one knows about, are set before God in the light of His countenance. He knows, and David knew this truth better than most preachers, pastors, deacons and elders do today.

Men reach a certain position, they attain a certain office or title, then begin to think themselves beyond the reach of sin, beyond the tentacles of pride, of lust, of greed, and many other things which come peeking over the fence of our hearts to see if we are keeping watch.

The enemy revels in the notion of a believer who having succumbed to sin refuses to confess and repent of the sin. Perhaps it’s due to fear of what others might think of them if their sin is discovered, or the thought that they can get away with it this one time, but whatever the reason behind our absence of confession, as long as we are unrepentant, as long as we do not confess, the stain of sin will be evident.

1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

The forgiveness of our sin, and the cleansing from all unrighteousness, is contingent on whether or not we confess. God is faithful; of this there is no doubt. Faithful as He is, God is also constrained by His righteousness, and His righteousness dictates that in order for an individual to be forgiven and cleansed from unrighteousness, they must first confess their sin.

David confessed his sin, and God forgave him. David poured out his heart to God, holding nothing back, and God extended grace to him.

Psalm 32:5, “I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.’ And you forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah.”

Because he found forgiveness in the sight of God, David now had peace. The hand of the Lord was no longer heavy upon him, nor was his vitality turned to the drought of summer any longer. David confessed, and the burden was lifted. David confessed, and the weight was gone from upon his heart, and where once there was desperation and hopelessness, there was now peace and joy.

David acknowledged his transgression. He confessed his sin, and did not attempt to hide his iniquity. He confessed his transgression to the Lord, and the Lord forgave the iniquity of his sin.

If someone followed a predetermined path and reached a predetermined destination, it is only logical to assume that if we follow the same path, we will likewise reach the same destination.

David confessed and was forgiven. May we learn from the life of David, and if there is anything pressing down upon us, sapping us of our peace and joy, may we confess it and receive forgiveness.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

1 comment:

  1. Some people are like devil's rejects. They are so evil that they get away with nearly everything they do. Then there are people who struggle to do the right thing, and they get attacked over every little thing. The reason is, the devil is still vying for their souls. He wants to crush them by abusing them so that they turn from God, who Satan thinks is cruel and unjust.

    People who don't know God and don't care are already in the palm of Satan's hand. If he leaves them alone, they will think they are all good and don't have to worry about a thing, despite the rude awakening that awaits them on judgement day.

    Also, God chastises those he loves. If you are with God, you will suffer persecutions partly out of your own errors and partly just because you are in a battle while stationed in the enemy's terirory. It is a hard position to be in. We have to put on the armor of God every day, but sometimes it is hard to find.

    Most churches are just cults of personality anyway. I wouldn't involve myself in a group prayer like that. If you have no personal interest in the matter, what does God care about your empty words uttered to make you look like part of the crowd?
