Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fundamental Doctrines, The Book!

Since I first posted the teachings on the Elementary Principles of Christ, I’ve been getting requests from individuals who wanted to print them out and distribute them to friends and family alike. Although I agreed, the posts were just transcripts of a series I did for our television program and I always felt as though they could be cleaned up a bit as far as grammar and punctuation were concerned.

As happens more than I would like, other projects got front burner status, and so this project got demoted to back burner status.

It was thus until a sister named April wrote and offered to help with both editing and layout of any books I wanted to publish. Her offer was an answer to prayer, and I want to take this opportunity to thank her for her effort and the time she put into this project. Thank you April!

As such, today I am pleased to present a new book entitled Fundamental Doctrines which contains the teachings on the elementary principles of Christ. I will post the link to Amazon, so if anyone wants one, they are welcome to it.

That was the news, not big, or grand, but nevertheless news.

Tomorrow and Tuesday I’m on the road, so Lord willing I will be posting again Wednesday. Until then, I’m also adding a couple of the ‘Truth in a Nutshell’ teachings we’ve been filming. They are the first two of a ten part series discussing the first few verses of 2 Timothy 3 in an exegetical manner, and also how they correlate to these last days.

Please keep me in your prayers as I travel, and also pray the Lord reward April for her labors on this project.

The times ahead promise to be exciting for the children of God, but also traumatic for those of the world and the lukewarm among us. More than ever we must pray for each other, feel for each other, and keep our gaze firmly affixed upon Christ Jesus our Lord, our King, our Savior and our Great High Priest.

With love in Christ,
Michael Bodea Jr.

Fundamental Doctrines

                                         Reality Check Part 1

                                          Reality Check Part 2

1 comment:

  1. I always thought that this verse meant to watch out for men who had those bad qualities, such as being lovers of themselves, lovers of money, proud, boastful, disobedient to parents, etc. If it were the members of the church acting that way, wouldn't they be considered wayward and not really a part of the body any more? If the members of the church are being ugly to each other, they are not manifesting Christ's love. If they are putting other members in peril, it seems that they are no longer a part of the body.

    I thought Paul was saying this so that people could watch out for these types and feel comforted that the ways of the world are wrong at this time and should not be followed. There may have always been despicable men such as these, but why would they bother believers? I think the problem is that now most men are like this, the whole culture is like this, and so the temptation is much greater to fall into these behaviors due to the influence of peer pressure.

    For instance, in pop psychology, it has been widely taught for decades that you must love yourself before anyone else can love you. If you have low self esteem you are considered to be mentally weak and socially inept. This seems to be insisting that people be lovers of themselves and to put themselves first lest they be thought of as mentally unstable.

    I think the peril comes in when it gets to the point that no one loves or respects a Christian except another Christian. The world will laugh in your face and try to kill you for folowing Christ, or at least display the characteristics in Paul's list, which makes them oppressively unpleasant company.
