Sunday, March 24, 2013

When Ye Pray...the Kindle Version

For those of you who were waiting with bated breath for the Kindle version of 'When Ye Pray', you wait is over. The book is now available in the Kindle format for $4.99, the price of a swanky cup of coffee at any overpriced chain. I will include the link below, and if you haven't read the series on this blog, and didn't feel like shelling out the clams for the paperback version, now there's a third, and more inexpensive option.

If you've ordered the paperback, read it, and it has blessed you, I would also ask you take a second to rate the book on Amazon, and leave your impressions concerning this first of three volumes about prayer.

As always, thanks for your prayers, thanks for reading, and may God keep you close to Him.

                                  'When Ye Pray' Kindle Version

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Kindle edition!
    Downloaded it yesterday & eager to read it!

    Thanks for your faithfulness to the Lord's work!

