Sunday, June 16, 2013

Taking the Week!

This week I will be celebrating thirteen years of marriage, and as such I will be taking the week and spending it with my wife. Sometimes we need a break and this is as good a reason as any.

It seems like just yesterday we were standing in church, holding hands, and being prayed over.

It has been a wonderful thirteen years. Thank you all for understanding.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.


  1. Happy Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Boldea, God keep you both in His peace.

    Randy and Nila

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both!! Have a wonderful, restful week :)

  3. God bless!!!!!! You certainly deserve it!!!!!!!

  4. Congratulations on 13 years of marriage, this September also marks 13 years for me and my wife.

    Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. [Prov 18:22]

  5. Praise the Lord Mr. and Mrs. Boldea and Happy Anniversary!! you definitely deserve time off Mike!! God Bless you both and thank you Mike for always giving us the truth!!
    Mr. and Mrs. Jordan(33 years)

  6. Happy Anniversary and God bless.
    Randy and Nila Yeo
