Monday, January 27, 2014

The Darkness Within

If you watch the godless long enough and close enough, and you know what to look for, you quickly realize that all their talk of tolerance, all-inclusiveness, coexistence and universal brotherhood is just a bunch of words they’ve learned to spew at people, without ever desiring or attempting to live them.

Lately, from what I’ve been seeing at least, everyone’s allowed an opinion on any given thing, as long as that opinion fits the mold, as long as it falls into lockstep with the rest of the automatons, and any divergence, any straying from the preapproved talking points is met with swift and brutal retaliation.

As much as they try to seem what they are not, for the godless it is a constant battle to keep the darkness within from seeping out, and try as they might most succeed only part of the time.

It’s like taking a paper bag, filling it with ink, sealing it up, then submerging it in a vat of buttermilk. Given enough time the ink will seep through, and the contrast of it against the white of the buttermilk will be all too obvious to the naked eye.

The issue, and the idea the godless are trying to put forth is that one can be a complete, thoroughly human individual absent God, absent the spark of the divine residing in one’s heart.

Absent God, as close as it may get to the real thing, it is still a faux compassion, faux empathy, faux sympathy, and faux love.

True compassion, godly compassion, compels us to be concerned with more than just the cosmetic resonance of a person or situation, and truly seek to aid them and be there for them. True love, godly love, is not ignoring one’s predicament and pretending as though they are not on a self-destructive course.

True love warns when warning is needed, and rebukes when rebukes is in order. Not in a self-righteous, or superior way, but tethered in the divine love that defines God himself.

As much as I have tried to steer away from this vein of writing in recent days, I’ve had no success, and through I may meditate upon another topic, or consider other issues which are worthy of contemplation and comment, I keep returning to the basic nature of man, and how perverted it has become absent the light of God.

It is sad and overall tragic that we have, generally speaking, embraced the notions of counterfeit love, tolerance and acceptance as the real, and have come to the point of denouncing the real as some obstructive thing worthy of scorn and a swift death.

Unless the light casts it asunder, the human heart will always hide darkness within. Unless the love of God resides in one’s inner being in permanence, the love we feign will always have some hidden motive, some agenda, directly benefiting us, and no those we purport to love.

The mask slips and we get a glimpse often enough, but somehow we talk ourselves into believing that individuals could never be as malicious or maleficent as all that, forgetting the bloody lessons history has taught us since the dawning of man.

When the enemies of good no longer have reason to hide their darkness, only then will we see how uninhibited in their hatred they can be. 

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr. 

1 comment:

  1. People are judged just for seeing the wickedness of others. Just the look on their faces, just their lack of enthusiasm over hypocrisy, just their vibe of wanting to be different than the prevailing accepted mode of operation, makes these people objects of scorn and ridicule. It is no stretch of the imagination to see the wickedness of others, the stretch is trying to imagine the good and when that fails, the task is to just try to live amidst the depraved zombies in a godly manner.

    You get to the point where you can't even dwell on how other people are. They are just so depraved, it will make you twisted just to think about it. You have to try to do good and be around the best people you can find. I think that is what putting on the shoes of the gospel of peace means. If you keep walking towards the wicked, they will tear you up or turn you into one of them.

    The closer to God you get, the less you have in common with most people as far as they are concerned.
