Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Time of Our Sojourning Here Part 5

We’ve become averse to talking about difficult topics. We’ve grown averse to broaching and delving into difficult things, taking a page out of the world’s book and just glossing over them or pretending they do not exist. The more we pretend the worse things get, the worse things get the more callous we become, until a ‘pastor’ giving aids to the parishioners he slept with is half a story at best, and the fact that he refuses to step down from the pulpit is treated with uttermost indifference.

It is downright scary how quickly we’ve descended into the mire and how few in the church voice any opposition to it. The sheep are told to know their place, the leadership appropriates powers and indulgences they have no business appropriating, and we hobble along as anything of virtue, anything noble, anything good and wholesome gets dismantled piece by piece by the godless among us.

‘But it’s okay, it really is, we’re on track to meet the budget this year, and break ground on the new building which will outshine the old one, and have a nice shiny cross on its roof that can be seen from space.’

Perhaps somewhere on a subconscious level, many have realized their messages lack power, substance, Christ, repentance, holiness, the cross, and self-denial, and as such have no power to transform anyone. It is because of this inescapable reality that they need the projects, and the events, and the distractions just to keep people placated and distracted from the reality that theirs is a hollow spirituality.

We wander aimlessly about, comforting each other with the tired adage of ‘well get them next time’, or ‘we may have lost the battle but not yet the war.’ But why? Why are we losing battle after battle, why is the darkness never impeded and the light always sacrificed? Why do we make concessions, and give up ground, why do we keep making our arguments only halfheartedly, and why is there always some apologist in the church who is ready to stand up for sin and insist that we must understand it and learn to live with it?

It is likely I’ve said this before because it’s true, but it bears repeating, it is because much of what we call the church today is itself compromised that we are so timid and fainthearted in our defense of truth.

Confronting sin in the church is a difficult thing. Confronting sin in the leadership of the church is an all the more difficult thing, and this is why much of the time it is the world that exposes the dereliction of church leadership rather than the church body exposing it.

What does this have to do with anything? Well, it goes back to the genesis, to the root cause of why the church is in the sad shape that it’s in, and among the many reasons is the absence of the fear of the Lord.

When we fear the opinion or even backlash of the world more than we fear God Himself, when we try to accommodate the darkness rather than defend the light, then we are become a detriment to the household of faith, and an unfaithful servant to our Master.   

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.


  1. I believe we must literally go back to the book of Genesis and start reading the first 5 books of the Bible again. Man has watered down God's holiness and changed Him into a nice "man". We have stooped to the world's ways instead of bringing them up to His.

    In order to understand God and His order to understand His plan and His ways, we must start at the beginning of the Book.

    We have shunned His appointed times in Leviticus 23, and those who say they are only for the Jews and have been done away with, do not understand who our God is and why he has made a way through Jesus, the Messiah, for the whole world to be grafted into His ways and His promises! Please read the book of Ruth and research the WHOLE B-I-B-l-E for yourselves. Open it up. If what your Pastor says is not in it, you had better run from it, now!

    No, I am not SDA, but I wonder why we have we changed His Sabbath? Genesis 2:2-3 (KJV) clearly states:
    " 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."

    You think it does not matter to a holy God?...the one who precisely set the universe in order. Look at how perfect and exact His instructions were for the Tabernacle! All of His law is perfect, yet, we compromise and change it, never realizing that WE are the rebellious ones keeping ourselves from having true freedom, which comes from faithfully loving and obeying our Creator...the Living God who sacrificed His ONLY Son, so we could be a part of everything He has planned since the beginning of time as we know it! He does not want anyone to perish, but wants us all to enjoy His awesome, wonderful Kingdom with Him. HE tells us to come and reason with Him! He knows our sins yet makes them white as snow.

    Don't you understand? When you hear a lovely, anointed song, or read a great book, don't you want to enjoy it with someone? We are created in God's image and our emotions mirror His. It hurts His heart to be rejected and to have His ways twisted and ignored. He needs nothing, yet He created us to enjoy His wonderful Kingdom! How amazing is that???!

    As I write this, many Christians have not celebrated His Fall feasts (the word "feasts" means appointed times and are talked about in Lev. 23), or even followed His basic 10 Commandments, written and REWRITTEN in STONE, yet they have their halloween costumes. I say this with tears!!! Don't they know? Why don't they know? Why are the Pastors not learning all they can about who God is and teaching it to their congregations???

    This scripture is why I do not celebrate this awful "holiday"...Ephesians 6:11-12 (KJV)
    " 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    What a slap in the face to our Holy, Holy God to celebrate everything His only, precious Son lived and died to defeat! I would also say that these same people are blaming satan for everything wrong in the world while willfully choosing to celebrate everything evil , that points to him and death.

    Blind,blind, blind, stubborn, stubborn,stubborn, and stiff-necked we are, indeed.

    Jesus is coming back very, very soon. Are you hot or lukewarm? Are you asking, seeking, and knocking??? Read your Bible now while you can. Take no man's word for anything. Now is not a good time to be lukewarm. Turn to God by placing the blood of Jesus on the doorpost of your heart and ask Him to give you the Living Water of His Holy Spirit.

  2. I believe we must literally go back to the book of Genesis and start reading the first 5 books of the Bible again. Man has watered down God's holiness and changed Him into a nice "man". We have stooped to the world's ways instead of bringing them up to His.

    In order to understand God and His order to understand His plan and His ways, we must start at the beginning of the Book.

    We have shunned His appointed times in Leviticus 23, and those who say they are only for the Jews and have been done away with, do not understand who our God is and why he has made a way through Jesus, the Messiah, for the whole world to be grafted into His ways and His promises! Please read the book of Ruth and research the WHOLE B-I-B-l-E for yourselves. Open it up. If what your Pastor says is not in it, you had better run from it, now!

    No, I am not SDA, but I wonder why we have we changed His Sabbath? Genesis 2:2-3 (KJV) clearly states:
    " 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."

    You think it does not matter to a holy God?...the one who precisely set the universe in order. Look at how perfect and exact His instructions were for the Tabernacle! All of His law is perfect, yet, we compromise and change it, never realizing that WE are the rebellious ones keeping ourselves from having true freedom, which comes from faithfully loving and obeying our Creator...the Living God who sacrificed His ONLY Son, so we could be a part of everything He has planned since the beginning of time as we know it! He does not want anyone to perish, but wants us all to enjoy His awesome, wonderful Kingdom with Him. HE tells us to come and reason with Him! He knows our sins yet makes them white as snow.

    Don't you understand? When you hear a lovely, anointed song, or read a great book, don't you want to enjoy it with someone? We are created in God's image and our emotions mirror His. It hurts His heart to be rejected and to have His ways twisted and ignored. He needs nothing, yet He created us to enjoy His wonderful Kingdom! How amazing is that???!

    As I write this, many Christians have not celebrated His Fall feasts (the word "feasts" means appointed times and are talked about in Lev. 23), or even followed His basic 10 Commandments, written and REWRITTEN in STONE, yet they have their halloween costumes. I say this with tears!!! Don't they know? Why don't they know? Why are the Pastors not learning all they can about who God is and teaching it to their congregations???

    This scripture is why I do not celebrate this awful "holiday"...Ephesians 6:11-12 (KJV)
    " 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    What a slap in the face to our Holy, Holy God to celebrate everything His only, precious Son lived and died to defeat! I would also say that these same people are blaming satan for everything wrong in the world while willfully choosing to celebrate everything evil , that points to him and death.

    Blind,blind, blind, stubborn, stubborn,stubborn, and stiff-necked we are, indeed.

    Jesus is coming back very, very soon. Are you hot or lukewarm? Are you asking, seeking, and knocking??? Read your Bible now while you can. Take no man's word for anything. Now is not a good time to be lukewarm. Turn to God by placing the blood of Jesus on the doorpost of your heart and ask Him to give you the Living Water of His Holy Spirit.

  3. A very powerful, very needed message of the times in which we live!

