Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Free Stuff!

I have not been idle. In fact, I've been more productive during the past few weeks than any time in recent memory. The only are in which I did not excel was posting to the blog, but I needed to finish a couple projects that I'd been working on for far too long.

One of those projects was a book of daily devotionals which I can finally say is complete. My thanks to all who helped with this project. You know who you are.

Because you have been so patient with me, I've decided to give away five signed copies of the newest book, as a thank you for your prayers and patience.

As such, if you would write a comment with your e-mail address, five will be picket at random, and the books will be mailed out forthwith.

The book is currently available on Amazon if you choose to avail yourself of one, and the Kindle version should be out momentarily.

This is the cover for the new book. I will post a link at the bottom of this post, but as I said, I am giving away five signed copies, and if you would like to participate, send a comment with your e-mail address. I will contact you for your mailing address if you happen to be a winner.

365 Thoughts Meditations & Words of Wisdom

To those of you who receive a copy, I would greatly appreciate you going to Amazon and leaving an honest review of the book. The second volume on prayer is due to come out shortly, I am in the process of finishing the third volume on prayer, and the book on the battle-ready believer is about 85% complete.

Lord willing, I will also be completing the first part of a verse by verse commentary on the book of Revelation by the end of this year. So, as I said, I have not been idle.

Please keep my family in your prayers, and continue to be patient with me.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.


  1. What a great devotional this looks to be! I'm a graphics guy and love the cover. Thank you so much for compiling this, and for the giveaway. This blog is a true treasure chest, hallelujah! Thank you so much Michael.

    Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24

    staying desperate for God,


  2. Dearest Bro. Michael,
    We pray earnestly for you and this work. We also love the books, blogs etc you write for us. So many truths spoken in such a straight forward manner without compromise. I have been in churches where from the pulpit it is heard for them to say "we will not say or do anything no matter what laws our government passes. But go along without any protest."
    Please, please never give up or stop doing what it is that you are doing. Thank you.
