Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 I have not absconded in the dead of night, I have not taken my family and jetted off to parts unknown, nor have I been hiding in a bunker in some undisclosed location learning to like the taste of Spam and dehydrated autumn squash. I’ve been doing what most people who have a rough outline of how many good days they have left do, which is spending more time with my kids, enjoying the mild Wisconsin weather before the cold snap makes an entrance, and praying. I’ve been doing a lot of praying lately.

If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that everything can change in an instant and in ways nobody foresaw. Sure, we had an idea, the broad strokes of it, a framework of what the days leading up to the end times would look like, but the theoretical knowledge of a thing doesn’t do the flesh and bone manifestation of it justice.

What’s most disturbing is that no matter the newest horror, we’ve become so desensitized that we just shrug our shoulders and accept it without a requisite reaction. We’ve grown numb to the absurdity of it all, and when we’re told we have to do away with family dinners or human contact because of a malady that has a 99.7% survivability rate, we just go along as though it was the most normal thing in the world.

But that’s okay; big pharma is here to save us. Even though every drug or vaccine ever produced has some side effect, from the serious ones like the children of thalidomide in the sixties to explosive diarrhea, slurred speech, and heart palpitations you may get if you want to be free of your tinnitus, they promise this one’s different. Keep in mind that these are drugs that went through rigorous testing, and still, side effects are wide-ranging and exceedingly common. Sorry, but here’s no such thing as a free ride or a magic cure.

Do I believe the vaccine is the mark of the beast? No, I do not, but it is a blueprint, and it’s easy to make the corollary of how one thing can be used to usher in the other. With the vaccine, it will be businesses refusing service if you aren’t vaccinated like a good little sheep. When it comes to the mark, it will be government-enforced.

The linchpin here is that they realized they could get away with it, and easily so. Fear has always been used to manipulate, but with this generation of mostly dazed and confused unmoored souls whose only real concern is whether or not they’ve legalized pot, it’s become embarrassingly easy to get a vast majority to comply with any ridiculous idea some paper pusher can come up with.

If ever there was a moment most analogous to a slow-motion train wreck, this, my friends, is it. As yet, we’ve gotten only glimpses of the consequences of our actions, but it will accelerate with time. Compliance will lead to more people out of work, more businesses shut down, leading to more dependence on the government. That, in turn, will lead to more power for the government, which will allow them to strip more of your freedoms without thought or fear of reprisal.

We are witness to a circuitous loop that will bring endless misery and throw more of the middle class into poverty. It will grow the power and influence of bureaucrats and paper pushers to the point that serfdom will become inevitable, and government of the people, by the people, for the people will cease to exist.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr. 


  1. We totally agree with you, Mike. We have talked about the many scenarios and how it might be played out and never did we consider the use of a common flu with the media constantly Banging the fear drums to accomplish it so easily. It is definitely a very shred prototype for the great finale. You can see the demonic delight in the eyes of the little tyrants wielding their borrowed power. Was hoping for 4 more years of the Lord’s reprieve for America but not sure how that is going to played out. Definitely causes an increase in prayer for direction.

  2. In Slovakia it has already begun; the day after Halloween the citizens of that country lined up to be tested for the virus - voluntarily - or they would not be able to go to the bank, post office or grocery store unless they could prove they had been tested.
    The vaccine that they are wanting us to take contains mRNA, which is something that will literally change the DNA of the recipients.
    Robert Kennedy Jr. has this to say: I would like to draw your attention urgently to important issues related to the next Covid-19 vaccination. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called last generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which represents the genetic manipulation, something that was already forbidden and until then considered criminal. (found here: http://tapnewswire.com/2020/11/robert-f-kennedy-jr-new-covid-vaccine-should-be-avoided-at-all-cost/)
    I just thought you should know what's going on.

  3. What do you think the Christian response should be? What are we supposed to do?
