Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Drama Queens

 Either we’re all going to die again, or we’re going to get a runny nose. Not everyone though, most people will never know they had the thing we’re all supposed to be afraid of. However, to be fair, not having symptoms is a symptom, and you might as well get your affairs in order because if you’re feeling good, you know it’s just a matter of time.

It used to be that when you got a runny nose, you’d stock up on Kleenex and chicken soup. People were practical, reasonable, and reacted to certain situations appropriately. If you got a hangnail, you didn’t bum rush the emergency room yelling for a medic asap. If you had a tickle in the back of your throat, you didn’t play sad orchestra music and went shopping for a coffin. All that changed when certain individuals realized that you could monetize fear and, as a bonus, control the masses with fear.

Do what I tell you, or you’re going to die! That’s the message coming out of the white house of late, the one place where the individual at the helm is expected to be calm, cool, and collected. Never you mind the fact that with every incarnation, the ‘deadliest virus known to man’ grows weaker. Your level of fear is supposed to increase to the point that you shun family and friends, have your pets put down, and live as a recluse collecting your fingernail clippings and wiping down your delivered groceries with Clorox, to the point that everything you eat tastes like a urinal cake. At least, I’m assuming that’s what it tastes like; I’ve never actually eaten a urinal cake.

If you believe the reason for the fearmongering is your safety, then there isn’t much I can do for you at this juncture. If you think that the control they are attempting to assert over you is for your own good, then you deserve everything that’s coming, including forcibly jabbing your newborn as they crown. Big pharma needs to get paid, and long-term studies are too time-consuming for them to be concerned with. Whether or not what they’re jabbing into you will have unintended consequences somewhere down the road is irrelevant to them as long as the check clears.

“Oh, my, that’s a cynical way of looking at our pharmaceutical system.”

Perhaps, but it doesn’t make it any less accurate. The history of big pharma and what they were willing to do in order to make money is there for everyone to see. They are literally willing to kill people for the bottom line without remorse or compunction.

But now I’m supposed to trust the same people that got an entire generation hooked on pain meds with whatever they want to inject into my child while not being held liable for any adverse effects? Remember Vioxx, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Zyprexa, Risperdal, Lyrica, Avandia, OxyContin, Essure, even talcum powder? Are you smoking crack? Maybe crack’s cheaper than most prescription meds, but that’s beside the point.

Whenever you try to have a conversation about adverse reactions or side effects, you’re labeled a fringe conspiracy theorist, even though the evidence is piling up that you’re less likely to have severe complications from the sickness than from the jab that’s supposed to protect you from it.

It doesn’t even do that effectively enough to make the risk of blood clots, Bell’s Palsy, and cardiomyopathy worth it. But hey; you do you. For now, we still live in a free country where people can choose what they do with their own bodies.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.  

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