Tuesday, June 30, 2020


It used to be that they were subtle about their subversion. It used to be that they worked in the shadows, were fearful of being exposed, and when anyone noticed what they were doing, they pulled back. They knew it was a waiting game, and time was on their side. Just one more generation of cattle, of indoctrinated, propagandized useful idiots that could be used as cannon fodder, and the glorious revolution would be well on its way.

The people behind the people who are screaming inanities and blindly lashing out at strangers just because they can aren’t the kind that likes to get their hands dirty. They are not the ones sweating in the streets, contracting Coronavirus, and catching felony warrants. They are the ones planning to rule after the dust settles. They are the ones engineering an overthrow of the experiment that is a constitutional republic, because to them everyone save for themselves and a handful of limp wristed ivy leaguers, are cattle.

It’s not as though they have an affinity for those protesting on their behalf, even though they might not realize it, it’s that those protesting are useful, a means to an end, the vehicle that will drive their agenda forward—still cattle, just useful cattle.

If they were to succeed in their revolution, if they were to do away with the law, law enforcement, duly elected government, and every dissenting voice, their next target would be the useful cattle. The selfsame cattle that burned down their futures to make the Marxist dream a reality, because at some point they will have realized they’ve been had. Once the mob is no longer useful, you must destroy it lest it turns its sights on you.

No, this is not the outline of some dystopian novel I’m working on, it’s historical precedent. It’s what occurs every time there is an attempted insurrection, revolution, or revolt. Even though they promise one group that they’ll be the ones holding the cattle prods if they help overthrow the other, once they’ve succeeded, they’ll be reminded that they too are cattle.

In life, there are certain absolutes. Fire burns, water is wet, gender is binary, and the real enemy is always the one that stands to gain most from the chaos and anarchy they are championing. A nation of three hundred million plus people is being used, played, and pitted against itself by a cabal of power-hungry aspiring tyrants. Their promise of utopia will never materialize even if they manage to succeed in carrying out their plans.

As someone who has lived in a system identical to the one they are attempting to remake America into, allow me to state the obvious, it’s not anything anyone who has lived in the US their entire life ever wants to see. That’s putting it mildly, but any attempt at convincing Marxist zealots as to the horrors of their ideology falls on deaf ears anyway.

For all its faults, America is still the only country in the world that individuals from every continent continue to risk life and limb to try to get to. Thus far, I have yet to hear of anyone getting on an inner tube off the Florida coast to try to make it to Cuba, yet those attempting to flee it are a constant. Perhaps that’s something worth pondering before we torch everything and surrender our hard-won freedoms to the mob for the promise of peace.

We are witnessing a sadistic game of three-card monte being carried out against the American way of life. If we are not careful, by the time we wise up to what is happening, they will have walked away with our freedom, our dignity, our culture, and our children’s future.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.  

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Because Why Not?

For the most part, we’ve already proven the church is a mass of do-nothing pearl-clutchers more aghast at the thought of the President tweeting something snarky then seeing people getting their heads caved in on live television. We have seen that cowardice runs through our veins, and we are willing to prostrate ourselves and kneel at the feet of those who moments earlier burned down our businesses and violently accosted our neighbors. Fear of retribution has kept us silent, and none dare speaks the unspeakable truth that if this was ever about George Floyd and his untimely death, it no longer is.

If you can’t see what’s going on for what it is, then I can’t help you. If you think that those instigating the violence care a whit about disadvantaged blacks, or about righting the wrongs of history, I’ve got some magic beans to sell you. They’re great! I promise.

Just yesterday, one of the leaders of the movement which has been sweeping the globe, a white boy pretending to be otherwise, tweeted out, that “Yes, all murals and stained glass windows of Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down. They are a gross form of white supremacy, created as tools of white oppression, racist propaganda. They should all come down.”

When they start firebombing churches, will you still kneel and prostrate yourself? Will you still apologize for something you, your father, and your father’s father had no hand in, while they not only refuse to apologize for something they did just last night but feel fully entitled to do it?

I know, I know, we protestants don’t have stained glass or statuary in our churches, why should we care what they do to the others? Because once they’re done with them, they’ll come for you. The only thing you are doing by keeping silent is ensuring that you’re among the last to suffer at the hands of Communists pretending to be warriors of equality.

By then, even if you will want to say something, even if you will want to resist, they will have already amassed too much power to be stopped, because when you could have stood, you chose to kneel, and bow, and scrape, and act the fool for no other reason than to signal how virtuous you were.

Absence of pushback emboldens lunatics. Once emboldened, their dreams of future glory expand to such unhinged strata, that though they are still living in their parents’ basement quibbling with their moms over eating their steamed broccoli, they believe they are more than qualified to run a country.

As I’ve found myself repeating to one friend after another, if this doesn’t end soon, it will end badly. It’s already gotten out of hand in many areas, and the lack of consequences for everything from looting, burning down businesses, and violently assaulting random individuals is making high school dropouts and gender studies majors feel invincible.

As any student of history will tell you, among the first things to take place when Communism, Socialism, Marxism, or whatever other isms you want to label it began their push to transform the nation they’d infested, was the attempt to erase a nation’s past, thereby erasing her identity.

If you no longer know who you are or where you come from, it’s far easier for gender fluid white girls with septum piercings to tell you who you are, or at least who you ought to be, indeed who you must be if you want to take part in this brave new world.

Maybe we’ve had it too good for too long. Perhaps this is our penance for not appreciating what we had when we had it. 

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Premature Emancipation

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. It’s one of those seemingly simplistic truisms that proves truer the older you get. This is doubly true when what you are aiming to accomplish is something as grandiose as starting your own nation. Maybe it’s the constant, monotonous affirmation they heard when they were children that they could be anything they wanted to be that made them overly confident. Still, the fledgling nation formerly known as CHAZ, now CHOP, is running into some headwinds.

Either their attention span was sparse, or their parents didn’t fully articulate the entirety of the thought, but you can be anything you want to be if you apply yourself, work at it, and sacrifice. Taking it from someone else by force is not an accomplishment; it is theft. Declaring yourself monarch, overseer, or ruler of any lands, whether an entire continent or six city blocks, only works insofar as the rest of humanity is going along with your delusions.

We are currently living an emperor who has no clothes existence, wherein the silence of the majority is misconstrued as validation, consent, and even affirmation, and this only serves to embolden the lunacy. If no one dares to point out certain undeniable truths, then the situation will continue to spiral, and the escalation to violence becomes inevitable.

In the absence of order, chaos reigns supreme. When chaos is the default position, the experiment becomes more about the survival of the fittest than it does about equanimity, levelheadedness, equality, or peaceful coexistence.

If the outcome were not so tragically obvious, one could see the humor in anarchists asking for care packages form their beleaguered parents, or demanding that the government from which they declared their independence come empty their porta-potties. Ironically, the same people attempting to carve out a brave new world have zero survival skills unless you count spray painting buildings and interpretive dance among them.

It’s easy to mock and laugh and ridicule the citizens of CHAZ or CHOP, or at least it would be if elected officials were not in league with them, not only allowing this circus to continue unabated but encouraging it. The paramount question at this juncture should be how these people got elected to public office in the first place, and what their underlying agenda is. Are they radical enough wherein they are willing to allow for mob rule at the expense of the safety of the majority of their constituency?

What we are witnessing of late is an amalgam of factions with differing agendas, but a common enemy. They are willing to lay aside their differences in order to conquer their common foe, leaving discussion for how they will proceed after every statue has been torn down and after everyone who doesn’t think Communism is the bees’ knees has been silenced, for another time.

While the nation formerly known as CHAZ continues to implode, the silence of the majority in regards to this clown show only emboldens those who would themselves be ruler supreme of a few city blocks to try their hand at tyranny.

If it’s any consolation, they can’t cancel everybody! The ones doing the canceling would literally starve to death in the middle of a grocery store, and the corporations giving credence to their lunacy will change course as soon as any sort of pushback occurs. 

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Moot Points

It used to be that we laughed off the loons. We properly identified them as crazy people, as unhinged, as an infinitesimal minority that was good for a chuckle. With each passing day, however, there’s less chuckling as the realization dawns on more and more of us that the madness has spread, it has metastasized, and is drawing more adherents daily.

It’s no surprise, really, even the most fringe of things like Scientology, or veganism gets its share of the collective to follow suit and live by the guidelines set forth by their proverbial luminaries who blazed the path, but their numbers were always contained.

There are only so many people you can talk into eating Brussel sprouts for the rest of their lives, or into believing that they are the byproduct of some alien life form’s ill-timed bowel movement. This was a given. It was something we could count on, and as such, didn’t concern ourselves with.

There were other things for us focus on, trivial, trifle, irrelevant things, things that occupied our time, and kept us from seeing what was going on in front of our faces because it’s far easier arguing semantics than taking a stand.

When those sent to warn of what we are currently seeing when something could have actually been done about it, they were met with derision and vitriol, not from those of the world, but those of the church. We had more important topics to dissect, such as whether the earth was flat or round, or if Jesus had auto-tuned his hearing aid not to hear any prayers or supplications unless preceded by His Hebrew name.

When those topics waned a bit, we rushed headlong into searching out things that weren’t there, while ignoring those staring us in the face. Meteors, portals, black holes, oh my! So many things to be on the lookout for!

Why focus on anything we could affect as individuals? It’s the meteors, man, that’s the real threat. Even if they were, what could you do about it? Nothing? Figured.

While the church was stargazing, and writing emotional ‘I told you so’ letters to all those left behind because they didn’t believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, the darkness continued to chip away at the foundations, the pillars, and the load-bearing walls, until the creaks were audible. That only emboldened them more, and with a renewed vigor, they set about getting bigger chisels, while the household of faith comforted itself with mantras like ‘that’s never going to happen here,’ or, ‘by the time that happens here we’ll be long gone.’

The same people who were amused to no end about the idea of Communism rearing its ugly head in America, are now sending me pictures of spray painted hammers and sickles throughout the country. The same people who rolled their eyes at the thought of civil unrest or a revolution are now panicky to the point of losing their composure because they are seeing what some have been warning about for the past three decades.

For the most part, at this juncture, it’s a moot point. We can’t unmake this omelet. The most we can hope for is to put off the ugly bits for a season. I know, not what you want to hear sipping your morning coffee on an ordinary Thursday, but I’ve always been upfront with you. Even if it’s to shield you from unpleasantness, if I were to lie to you, it would still be a lie.

One way or another, the descent into chaos will continue to intensify. Whether it’s cities defunding police, or police walking off the job because they’ll get charged with murder if they dare defend themselves, the end result is still the same.

The gullible and foolhardy will continue to be used to further the nefarious agenda of the string-pullers, and the noose around the neck of free speech and free expression of thought will continue to tighten. Eventually, they will come for the church, as they always do. For the most part, the church will either be staring at the heavens or staring at its navel. Either way, fish in a barrel.

I’ve bummed you out enough for one day, but if it’s any consolation, remember the words of Paul, the apostle who said, if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. 

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Sullied Words

I was going to title this post ‘Thanks Utah!’ but I decided to broaden it out a bit because it’s not just Pierre Delecto I have an issue with. It’s pretty much every manipulative power structure we’ve been told we need to listen to, respect, and inevitably obey. If you don’t comply, if you don’t do as they say, well, you just like to see people suffer needlessly.

Over the last few months, we have seen the redefining of words, words once noble and of import, having become sullied and grimy either due to individuals they were associated with, or the demonstrable untruths they attempted to convey.

Thankfully, lies have a way of catching up to you, and if you tell too many too often, eventually the house of cards will just implode. As Abraham Lincoln once said, you can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

1. Honorable – Bringing or worthy of honor.

This is a word that has been attached to Mitt Romney, also known as Pierre Delecto, more times than I can count. Because of its attachment to a man who cut his teeth on being a vulture capitalist, it has become sullied. I know it’s venture capitalist, but what he did was more akin to what a vulture does. Perhaps even more cruel, because he didn’t wait for the entity to expire before he began picking at the flesh. He started gorging himself on the organs and meaty bits long before the time of death could be announced. Under the guise of helping struggling businesses, this ‘honorable’ man would dismantle them pick them clean, and leave the bones to be bleached by the sun.

Since money without power means little to small, egomaniacal folks such as Pierre, he decided that politics was the way to bolster his lagging self-esteem by pretending to be a public servant. He realized it was the greatest grift in existence, far better than destroying businesses and lives, so he jumped in headfirst.

Just because he changed careers does not mean Mitt Delecto stopped being an opportunist. It’s his nature, and he will do anything if it means increasing his profile, power, and influence.

2. Expert – A person who has an authoritative and comprehensive knowledge of or skill in a particular area.

If you took 100 chimpanzees and let them fling poo at a blackboard, you’d likely get a better success rate than the experts. This is across the board, from the economy, to jobs, to the virus, to the steps necessary to mitigate said virus. We crippled the greatest economy in the world, caused panic to the point of people calling the cops on their neighbors for letting their kids play outside, all because the experts were infallible, and their words were akin to gospel.

Now the selfsame experts who shamed you into putting on a muzzle and living in your basement are insisting that as long as you’re out protesting, and not fishing, or taking your kids to the park, it’s all good. Everything they’ve said is demonstrably false! The next time someone tells me to trust the experts, I might just be the one flinging poo.

3. Science – The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

If the first commandment was to trust the experts, the second was to trust the science. As soon as science agrees that biology is binary, we can have a conversation. As long as they pander to and shill for mental disorders, allow me my skepticism as to anything science says regarding anything else.

The latest brain fart from science is that asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is very rare. This from the same folks who insisted that actual farts were akin to mustard gas, making all within a one-mile radius instantly terminal.

4. Justice – Just behavior or treatment.

Justice today is no longer about just behavior or treatment. It’s no longer about taking the individual who committed an infraction, charging them, seeing them go to trial, and getting convicted. Justice today is about taking what’s not yours, burning down what you didn’t take, killing anyone that stood in your way, and demanding that people bow before you and wash your feet for being a hooligan.

5. Prophetic – Accurately describing or predicting what will happen in the future.

Back to the poo-flinging chimpanzees we go. If you haven’t been keeping track, by now, we were supposed to have seen Donald Trump frog-marched out of the oval office for being a Russian spy, half the country dead from coronavirus, martial law, and a direct hit from a meteor. Even if you tried, you couldn’t get it wrong so often, but the ‘prophetic’ voices are still out in droves making predictions not based on any supernatural revelation, but rather a projection and fleshly perception.

I could go on, but I have to mow my lawn, and it’s supposed to rain. The point this morning, if there is one besides my having to rant a bit, is to be wise regarding not only what you believe but what you willfully disseminate to others. Many are come in His name, deceiving many. Take heed that no one deceives you!

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

Having Eyes

If you still can’t see the truth of what is happening, then you may require a cane and a seeing-eye dog because chances are you are certifiably blind. I’m no talking having to read a cereal box at arm’s length blind; I’m talking pitch black, can’t see anything, stumbling around and running into furniture blind. I’m sorry, that is the nicest way I could put it because I’m still the genteel soul you’ve grown to love over the years, even though with each passing day, my ability to suffer fools grows thinner still.

Some things we already knew, or at least suspected, and recent events have just confirmed them; others were a depressing revelation, not because they are occurring, but the level at which they are occurring. It’s not all bad though, at least now we know that for the most part, the overreaction to Coronavirus was wholly unjustified, and the same people attempting to shame the nation into becoming basement dwellers for the rest of their lives have shown their hand.

When you think about it, a lot of people are showing their true colors during this time, and in the long run, that will be a good thing as long as we don’t forget. If we forget the names and faces of those that despise us, those who would surrender to chaos just to hold on to tenuous, illusory power, those who would see you burned out of your home just to appease the mob, then we will have gone through all this for naught.

For some, this is about peaceful protest, and I have no issues with that. It is a constitutional right granted to every citizen of this country, and as long as peaceful is the adverb preceding the noun, godspeed. It’s the other two groups that I take umbrage with because they are using the peaceful protesters as cover for their illicit schemes, whether those schemes are individual, like looting, or a collective nature like shoving Communism down the throats of the masses while they are distracted.

While we’re on the topic, and I know this will go over like a lead balloon, what’s with the kneeling and prostrating and pledging fealty? Are we witnessing the birth of a new religion whose priests are limp wristed, syphilitic, effeminate twenty-somethings with bullhorns?

I’ve gotten e-mails from people who up until a week ago were screaming death before vaccine, that are now shrugging their shoulders asking what’s so bad about taking a knee if it will make this go away quicker.

Ever wonder why the only thing the devil wanted in exchange for all the kingdoms of the world and their glory was for Jesus to kneel down and worship him? Maybe not so petty a thing, after all, is it?

We are at a fork in the road as a nation, and if ever there was a defining moment, this is it. I’ve said it for as long as I can remember. If you think this is about an elephant and a donkey, you do not see the whole picture. This is not about two political parties. This is about two fundamentally different ideologies.

They have done their best to do away with this nation’s history, thereby ensuring we have no firm anchor as to a national identity, and now they are attempting to remake it into something that has never succeeded every time it has been tried.

It’s easy for people with round the clock private security, living in gated communities where riff-raff like you and I would be summarily turned away to talk about defunding police. It’s easy for multi-millionaires to pontificate and sanctimoniously declare that lives are worth more than property, and the burning down of businesses is a necessary evil. It’s easy because they are not the ones affected. It’s easy because they are not the ones left sifting through the rubble and wondering how they’re going to feed their kids. Oh, and for those itching to pick a fight, most of the businesses that were burned down were black-owned, so there’s that. 

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

We've Only Just Begun

The same people who told us we couldn’t be there to hold our parents’ hands in their final moments because it was dangerous, unlawful, and would place the whole of humanity in danger, are now actively applauding and cheering on mass riots, lootings, debauchery, and anarchy. The same people who ordered the arrests of fathers playing in the park with their children are now turning a blind eye to people being murdered in cold blood over a television or some worthless trinkets.

Call it what you will, but this has turned into anything other than a peaceful protest. Revolution, insurrection, revolt, rebellion, uprising, there are many applicable adjectives, but peaceful protest isn’t one of them.  We are a nation teetering over an abyss of chaos, the likes of which the world has yet to see. Even though it’s difficult to put a shattered nation back together, it becomes downright impossible if it’s also been burned to ash.

The best-case scenario at this point is that it all subsides, and we get a few more months to try and rebuild what has been destroyed before it’s burned down again. I know that sounds bleak and dire, but it’s the reality with which we are confronted at this point. I am not one given to catastrophizing, but no matter how many scenarios I go through in my head, the only conclusion I can come to is that we’ve only just begun.

If you think it’s bad now, imagine this dragging on for a few more days or weeks. Imagine truckers no longer being willing to deliver food to these hot spots, both because there’s a high probability that they’ll be burglarized, but also because the stores they would be delivering to are smoldering heaps of ash.

What you’ve got then is concentrated population centers with nothing to eat, because they’ve burned down all the outlets that sold them essentials like beans and rice. It’s one thing to fake outrage just because you think you can get your hands on a new pair of sneakers. It’s quite another when the survival instinct kicks in.

If the newly minted heroes of the hour are willing to take another human life for baubles, and trinkets, imagine what they’d be willing to do if their survival was in the balance.

All of these pandering sycophants bailing arsonists, looters, and criminals out of jail believe that their virtue signaling will protect them or grant them some exemption from being pillaged, not as yet realizing that the law of the jungle does not allow for friendships or loyalties. If you have something they want, you having pretended there was nobility in clubbing old ladies with wood beams or laughing as someone bled out for the high crime of trying to defend their life’s work, will make no never mind to them.

We are witnessing a clash between nihilism and civil society, and those charged with being overseers of civil society seem to be perfectly content with nihilism winning the day as long as they can be the ones atop the ash pile when the smoke clears.

I promised myself I wouldn’t write angry this morning, but I’m getting there. To keep my promise to myself, the following are the three likeliest scenarios that will play out both in the short term and the long term.

1. As I said, the best case scenario, cooler heads prevail, and the madness subsides. If this is the case, it will only buy us a bit more time, because the decision to up the charge from third-degree to second-degree murder almost ensures a hung jury, which will restart the tilt-a-world all over again.
2. Having run out of things to loot in the cities, marauders will expand to the suburbs where they will be met with overwhelming and brutal force by the 99% of people who say little but act decisively when they must. If we get to this stage, then it’s a civil war, and we’re closer to the end of this drama than any of us hoped.

3. Due to their monumental failure, trust in law enforcement by the average citizen is, at this stage, irreparable. With every looter, arsonist, and rioter being released from jail, the overarching belief that if you work hard, play by the rules, and are a decent human being, you can have a decent life in America is being dismantled. The unchecked actions of nihilists, and criminality without repercussions, only serve to create more criminals and nihilists.

Is this it? Is this the moment we tip over into the abyss? I don’t know, but it sure does look like we’re mighty close. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Breach of Contract!

It’s a pretty straightforward deal when you think about it. I give up around half my income when you factor in state and federal taxes. In exchange for me handing over my hard-earned money, your contractual obligation is to maintain order, to protect the average citizen, to uphold the law, and to punish the lawbreakers.

When I signed this contract, there were no carve-outs for any ethnicity, or gender, or particular situation. Black people were not exempted from being protected because they were black, but by the same token, they were not exempted from being punished if they broke the law. The same went for whites, browns, reds, or whatever color one might identify as. Put an Irishman in the sun long enough, and you’ll have to throw lobster in there somewhere, just to cover the whole color spectrum.

In the contract that we signed as lawful citizens, there were no addendums wherein you did your job only if you felt like it, or if you felt at all threatened while carrying out your sworn duty, you could just pack up, tuck tail, and run.

If all that being in law enforcement was meant to entail was giving speeding tickets to soccer moms for really punching their minivans once in a while, then sorry to say, we don’t need you, please return our money, and be on your way. I hear repossession is a growing field, and after all this nonsense, rubble cleanup will be booming.

If you are neither willing to protect or serve, then you are by definition useless, suckling at the teat of the taxpayer, and hoping no one notices you’re nowhere to be found when your services are needed. The same goes for mayors, governors, or any elected bureaucrat that is still shamelessly calling this a peaceful protest or insisting that you don’t need more than a single shot musket as home defense, because they’re always there to protect you. Really? Are they? I’m not expecting the Alamo here, but walking away from a police station without putting up a fight and letting gangsters and hooligans burn it down, doesn’t inspire much confidence that in my hour of need you’ll come to the rescue.

At least be honest with the average citizen and tell him he’s on his own. Tough luck buttercup, if things go sideways, all you’ve got is you, and whatever means of defense you’re able to rustle up. The cops will be too busy hightailing it or giving impromptu interviews about how they understand the anger and frustration or some such malarkey.

For the most part, I’m a happy-go-lucky goofy doofus sort of cat, and those who know me can attest to this. I’m no testosterone Tom; I don’t go looking for a fight. However, if you are posing a danger to my wife or my daughters, then I don’t care what skin color you are, you can be translucent for all I care, I’ll do my best to arrange a face to face, one on one with Jesus Himself so that you can explain yourself to Him.

If you cross that line, then the time for conversation has come to a close. I won’t be looking to dialogue with you, or wing you, or understand what childhood trauma brought about the need for you to attempt to physically assault another human being. You threatened my family, and it’s my duty to protect them! I may not be as proficient at it as some, but I’m a quick learner, and rage is a good motivator.

Because a small percentage of hooligans have been given free rein to pillage, burn, deface, loot, and otherwise destroy other people’s hard work, they’ve now gotten into their heads that they need to expand the franchise, and make their way into the suburbs. What they haven’t figured is that they’ll have to deal with a whole new kind of clientele, the kind that won’t just curl up and die, but will put up a fight. Be careful what you wish for, goes the old saying, you just might be unfortunate enough to get it. 

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.