Friday, May 31, 2024

The Last Days Of The World X

 Yes, I am aware of the verdict. No, I will not be discussing post factum. There is no point or purpose in that course. I have, however, been talking about it on and off on the radio program for the past month and a half. Yes, this was easily predictable. No, a revelation was not involved. There are a handful of scenarios that can play out from here, none good:

1. They exert enough pressure that the man throws his hands up in frustration and gives up. Once he announces that he is dropping out to spend more time with family, the sudden realization that this travesty is the definition of a banana republic will dawn on everyone, and it will magically go away. This is the unlikeliest scenario due to the man’s tenacity.

2. They will somehow get him into a jail cell, and serendipitously, all the cameras will blink out at once, his guards will succumb to deep sleep, and he, racked with guilt, will break his own neck or shoot himself in the back of the head sixteen times with a gun he made out of the bar of soap the jail provides.

3. If they fail to stage a self-deletion, someone who’s been watching CNN faithfully and hearing how this man is Hitler reincarnate for the better part of eight years will likely try to do what the Germans couldn’t before the real Hitler rose to power, likely a bit closer to the elections.

4. If that fails, then they will have the narrative that the American people saw the light and couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a convicted felon to return to the white house when the current occupant wins reelection by three votes. It will turn out that even the dead were so incensed at the idea of such a travesty, a man found guilty of 34 counts by a jury of his peers holding the highest office in the land, that they rose from their graves in masse to keep one who is technically closer to their kind than the living in power.

As I said on the program that was uploaded a few hours before the verdict came in, 2016 was a shock to the system, 2020 was too close for comfort, and so they have contingencies upon contingencies for 2024, which include everything from permanently removing the competition from the game to civil unrest in America, such as great big bonfires throughout every major city, and all-out war with nations that they are currently trying to goad into making the first move.

If you think there’s any shame in their game, remember the infamous words of Harry Reid after fabricating lies about Pierre Dellecto, aka Mitt Romney: We won, didn’t we?

That’s all I have to say about that. Now, on with the teaching…

It’s somewhat sobering to realize that we are living the days Jesus forewarned us of two thousand years ago. You can throw a stone blindfolded, and you’re likely to hit a region where there is rumor of war, conflict, unease, and escalating violence. It’s not so much a question of whether another war is on the horizon but rather what region it will start in. It’s almost palpable. You can feel it in the air, that tightness in your chest, that tension that another shoe is about to drop. Will it be China and Taiwan, Israel and Iran, Europe and Russia, or some heretofore unforeseen fomenting of violence in Africa, or clashes between Pakistan and India?

The notion of regional conflict is a quaint idea whose time has passed. Such conflicts are no longer isolated to a region specifically, but larger nations take the opportunity to use those conflicts as straw men and proxies to further their agendas. It’s not just the West doing it. Who do you think is pulling North Korea’s strings?

When a conflict begins, everyone has to pick a side, and whether the citizenry likes it or not, whether they want it or not, the politicians seem to have a lust for war that can never be satiated. Everyone is drawn in eventually, and because there are self-serving interests on both sides, what would have likely fizzled out in a few months’ time gets dragged out to endless years and countless casualties.

Some are beginning to awaken to the insidious subtext of these conflicts, realizing that the large nations are using the smaller nations to do their bidding and their dirty work. No, a hyena can’t take on a lion, but a pack of hyenas can give a lion a run for his money. There will come a point, and I believe it is near, when the smaller nations will grow weary of sending their young and their brave to die in faraway lands on behalf of third parties who gin up conflicts to keep their lobbyists and weapons manufacturers happy.

There will also be a shift in the purpose of war from fighting over territory to fighting over resources. It may not seem likely today, especially if you live in the West, but the whispers have already started, the conversations in dark corners and backrooms have already commenced, wherein food, water, and oil are viewed as the new currency. Men fight differently when it’s about feeding their families than when it’s about politics. When you’ve got nothing left to lose, and survival is all that matters, the intensity with which you engage your enemy is far greater due to the inherent motivation.

The coming scarcity of resources is not accidental or naturally occurring. It is a meticulously thought out plan, deviously executed in order to bring the nations of the world under subjugation, making them more malleable to the idea of accepting global governance, a one-world system, that must come to the fore in order for the minions of darkness to achieve their goals.

It’s no longer conspiracy as some have deemed it because the ruling class has already said the quiet part out loud and confirmed the worst fears of those who see the direction the world is headed in and the steps being taken to strip individuals of their freedoms and ability to self-govern.

Even though the things Jesus describes as signs of the last days are less than comforting, His admonition is to see that we are not troubled by these events. It’s hard to do when everyone and their cousin is trying to capitalize on your fears of what tomorrow will bring, yet we must strive to do it nonetheless.

Jesus didn’t exhort us to ignore these things or pretend as though they weren’t happening, but rather to not be troubled by them since they will be the natural progression leading to the last days of the world and signposts for us as believers to know that His return is drawing near.

Yes, dark days are coming, but having foreseen them, Jesus has also prepared a place of safety, security, and protection for those who are His. Even at the risk of sounding repetitive, the place He has prepared is not physical. It is not a certain city in a certain state or country somewhere far off, but rather in Him. Your place of safety is not a bunker, a spider hole, or a patch of dirt somewhere in the Mojave Desert; it’s under the shadow of His wing.

Some people think they can be protected and preserve themselves better than Jesus can protect them, and by the time that illusion is shattered, it’s too late to do anything about it. Sure, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light. Sure, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken, but I buried a rusty shipping container in my backyard and bought a pallet load of slop-in-a-bucket from Jim Baker, so I’ll be okay.

No, I’m not poking fun. If God told you to do these things and instructed you to bury the shipping container or make ole’ Jim a little richer, then I have no issue with it. If, however, you were motivated by fear and you reacted out of fear of what is to come, know that whatever measures you took on your own and of your own volition will not be nearly enough to keep you in the days to come.

It will be a matter of being supernaturally preserved and sustained. In order to be supernaturally preserved and sustained, you must possess faith, for it is the one thing the just will live by during the darkest times the world has ever faced.

Those who balk at the idea that the church will be present for those dark times have yet to grasp the omnipotence of the God they serve and His ability to keep and preserve them. God’s judgment is not a scattergun approach, causing as much collateral damage to innocent bystanders as the intended target, but rather surgical and well-executed.

Imagine being among eleven thousand other people, watching them fall to your left and your right, yet you remain standing because God’s hand of protection is over you. Not only is that what our God can do, it’s what He promised He would do. The full faith and confidence that God is able to sustain you even in the midst of a fiery furnace while those standing at its mouth are turned to ash eliminates any notion of fear or dread. Do you trust God enough to walk through the fire? That is the question of the hour. God won’t push you into it, drag you through it, or otherwise manipulate you into walking amid the embers. You must choose obedience even if it means walking through the fire, knowing He will be there to ensure you are not burned.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea, Jr. 

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