Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Yet Still Among The Living

I’m not dead…obviously. Nor have I absconded, fled, or otherwise abandoned my post in lieu of what is to come. I am still very much alive, but I’ve had to pay down some bills, and I did so the only way I know how, by working.

Unless you were born with a silver spoon, or platinum rattle, you know what I’m talking about, and hopefully can sympathize.

There really isn’t much to say, to be honest. Everything is playing out before our very eyes, and I catch myself wondering if, when they do the post mortem on this nation, cause of death will be suicide, hubris, or stupidity.

It’s sad what’s happening, and it will get sadder. Of this I am certain.

I’ve been getting tons of e-mails asking of this is what my grandfather saw back in 1984, about an internal revolution started by the communists in the middle of the country, and I will say to you what I said last night on a radio show, they picked the wrong martyr to anchor a revolution on, but eventually the right one will come along.

What we ought to take away from what’s been happening in recent weeks is the speed with which civil order and the illusion of safety we’ve fashioned for ourselves can be utterly demolished. If nothing else, that should be of grave concern indeed.

In a few days I will be traveling back to Romania with my wife and our daughter, and things will be a bit less hectic. As such, unless something unexpected happens, I will resume the study on 1 Peter sometime next week.

Just a friendly word of advice for those who as yet do not have children but plan on having them, sleep now, as much as you can, as often as you can, as deeply as you can, because sleep will be a long forgotten memory once the little one decides it’s play time in the middle of the night for two straight weeks.

Many of us have been talking about the end as though it will never get here, and now that it’s on the horizon the sheer reality of it just takes your breath away.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen dear brother. I have felt like Habbakuk 3 for quite some time. I just read Ps 100 and Joel 3 together. Dear Jesus, may we all be secure in You//WORD when the flood of the enemy comes!

Do you have any pix of your wife and new one posted any where?