Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Just Like Jesus!

 You know something has gone horribly awry if you have to double-check to see if something you’ve read online wasn’t put out by the Onion. Sometimes people say stupid things in gest, and I tend to give them a pass for the most part. I’m not some hyper-sensitive boob looking to feign outrage and accuse someone of the worst sort of atrocity even though I know what they said was not intended in the way it was interpreted.

We used to extend people grace. We used to give people the benefit of the doubt. We used to allow for foibles, imperfections, flubs, slips of the tongue, and other such things, but no more. Selective outrage and unquestioning subservience have become our new drugs of choice. Like any cult, if you reject, denounce, or otherwise refuse to join the clique, well, then you should just be dispensed with. If not outright killed, then put in a deep dark hole and fed tofu and soy for the rest of your life.

Maybe it’s the testosterone making you so disagreeable to the idea of Communism. Perhaps it’s misplaced machismo, or masculinity, making you question the ever-changing science, but they have ways of dealing with that too. They’ll just put you in a dress, pump you full of estrogen, and play videos of people asking why you want to kill grandma with your selfishness on an endless loop. You’ll be moisturizing, wearing a face diaper, and singing the praises of Socialism in no time flat.

On a serious note, however, I received the same message from three different people yesterday, and I actually had to do a bit of digging to make sure it was not satire. I needed to make sure it wasn’t someone trying to pull a prank.

To be fair, just so we understand the context, I found it a wee bit cringe when Christians would go on and on about Donald Trump being King Cyrus reborn. If you are unaware of who King Cyrus was, he was an ancient king used by God as an instrument, although not a worshipper of the one true God. There was no talk of him being a saint, no talk of him being divine, just a type and shadow of a long-ago individual who did good despite himself.

Fast forward to the year 2021, and we have the following nugget from someone on Twitter: “Jesus fell three times carrying the Cross while on the way to Calvary to save us. Biden also fell three times carrying the hardship America is going through on his way to deliver Hope. Today God looked upon Biden and said, ‘this is my Son, the beloved, in whom I am well pleased.’”

I’ll just let that marinate for a minute, like a fart in an elevator. The Beth Moores of the world were all aflutter, up in arms, and beside themselves, because Donald Trump was compared to a godless king of the ancient world, but are perfectly fine with a man whose most profound thought of late was why does the pudding in his diaper have chunks being compared with Jesus!

So, to clarify, no, Joe Biden is not like Jesus; in fact, far from it. Joe Biden is a corrupt, addled, aging, power-drunk septuagenarian, perfectly fine with partial-birth abortion, late-term abortion, in fact, abortion of any kind, among other things. I’m confident that on the list of what Jesus would do, supporting the murder of the innocent is not among them.

I could go on because the list is long, but what would be the point? We must all now sleep in the bed that a man who can’t make it up a flight of stairs has made, and even at the risk of angering some of you, we deserve nothing less.  

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Not A Dream


If you've felt like the world has turned upside down and inside out, you are not alone. It's not a dream, it's not a nightmare, it's not an Ambien-induced episode, and there's no waking up from it. Unlike the cat ladies on Facebook who insist on posting the "hang in there memes," I'm honest enough with you to tell you how it is. Not how I hoped it would be, or what the best-case scenario will look like if a thousand things happen in sequential order, akin to winning the lottery thirty times in a row, but how it is.

This is where we are! We are at a point where more and more it seems that the governing class is daring God to judge this nation, almost thumbing their noses at Him. At this juncture, can any intellectually honest person say we are undeserving of judgment? Can any intellectually honest person say that the steps we've taken over the past couple of months are in harmony with the Gospel or bring honor to God? Maybe Beth Moore, but she's far from intellectually honest. I'll just leave it there because I don't want to make this a rant about Beth Moore.

I've never been a big fan of just saying something for the sake of saying it. I don't have to put out content to appease my Patreon members, nor am I interested in clickbait to somehow stroke my ego at the thought of how many eyes perused what I've written.

For the most part, truth be known, I write for posterity because continuing to yell at the top of my lungs to bar the stable door even though the horse has already bolted is wasted breath at best. Sure, some realized there is a cottage industry in feeding people morsels of false hope, but I'd rather you know the truth and prepare your heart for what is to come.

The sad reality is that we are beyond the point of peaceful redress. We are witnessing the current administration do nothing more odious than keeping their word, and for every so-called spiritual leader, pastor, teacher, evangelist, or angst peddler feigning outrage, too little, too late.

Because the other side isn't interested in dialogue, diplomacy, coming together, crossing the aisle, or some other such pabulum, they're all gas no break when it comes to destroying this nation. Because no boogeymen existed, they've had to conjure them, and in the process, have broad-brushed half of this nation's citizens as being bloodthirsty savages.

They're hoping calling people Nazis will keep enough of them quiet for long enough so they can ensure permanent control. What they have not as yet realized is that at some point, those they've demonized will become what they've been accused of being for the simple reason that they will have no other choice. When you vilify law-abiding citizens, deify criminals, strip a nation of its freedoms, give preferential treatment to illegals, and call your tax base selfish for wanting to keep more of what they earn, you have all the necessary components for combustibility.

At some point, you can't not trust your lying eyes anymore. At some point, even the most indifferent among us will have to acknowledge the horrors these caricatures have wrought upon this nation. At some point, fathers will look upon their sons and daughters' faces and realize their futures have been squandered. They will also acknowledge that if those who have grown rich by selling out their countrymen have their way, they will be subjects rather than citizens in short order. At some point, they will mourn the death of their nation, the loss of their freedom, the raping of their dignity, the destruction of their families, the perversion of their morality, the rejection of their God, and that sense of loss will turn to anger, then rage. When that sentiment reaches critical mass, no amount of gated compounds, barbed wire, or free money will hold back the tide.

What is coming is inevitable. It always has been. I was just hoping we'd get a little more time.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Reality Check

We are about to get a firsthand, front-row demonstration of what Nineveh would have suffered had they not repented. I spent the better part of thirty minutes trying to soften the blow, trying to make it seem less dire than it is, but there's no getting around the truth of where we are, where we are headed, and what we are sure to see along the way.

The parallels are eerily similar until they're not. The point where the similarities between American and Nineveh diverge is the most essential of all, and that is repentance. Whether a nation took the path of repentance or continued down the path of rebellion is the determining factor for judgment or the postponement thereof.

Just as with Nineveh, men were sent to this nation to plead, implore, and even beg anyone who would hear to repent and turn their hearts back to God again. In large part, they were summarily mocked, labeled legalists, and called delusional because if God were going to speak to anyone, it wouldn't be some migrant farmer or some lowly street preacher. It would be a hipster pastor with skinny jeans and fake dark-rimmed glasses. Perhaps even a human caricature with face tattoos and lip piercings that identified as non-binary, but surely not some run-of-the-mill non-intellectual whose only noteworthy attribute was enduring persecution and torture for his faith. I mean, come on, if you want the message to penetrate, you have to choose the right messenger.

We pulled out every excuse in the book and even invented a few just so we wouldn't have to humble ourselves, just so we wouldn't have to turn from our wicked ways, just so we wouldn't have to repent. Repentance is a choice. It is an intentional, actionable, determinative choice! God can't make you do it; He won't twist your arm, or beat you over the head because then it wouldn't be genuine, heartfelt, heart-changing repentance.

The proposition was simple: If you repent, I will restore you. If you persist in your rebellion, I will destroy you. It doesn't get much simpler than that, but then again, it's hard to fill a three-hundred-page book with what you could declare in one breath, so most of the spiritual elites were uninterested. They'd rather twist themselves into pretzels trying to justify the lukewarm farce modern-day Christianity has become.

So, yes, we're headed toward some choppy seas, and the best we can do is make certain we are firmly affixed to the ship, so we don't get thrown overboard. Knowing what is about to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting public has less to do with prophecy or the prophetic and more to do with understanding how the world works and how predators react to weakness. All it takes is a modicum of honesty, even if being honest about it challenges our preconceived beliefs regarding this country's greatness. Sin has a corrosive effect, and even greatness can be eaten away at by it if it's allowed to fester. Not only has sin been allowed to fester, but it is also being celebrated, validated, and embraced by what were to be the antibodies to sin, the church.

As I've thought about this on and off for the past few days, the one thing I think very few are prepared for, even within the circles I run in, is the speed with which everything goes to ruin once God removes His protection from a nation. We're not talking about a slow two-century decline akin to the Roman Empire before finally being put out of its misery. That is something you should prepare for psychologically because it will shipwreck a lot of people.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.