Monday, June 17, 2024

The Last Days Of The World XXIII

 Certain environments allow deception to take root more readily than others. An environment of lukewarm commitment and faithfulness is by far the most compatible with deception, which is not only surviving but thriving, running rampant, spreading, and growing in the contemporary church. One gives way to the other, allowing it to grow unchecked and choke off the truth of the Word in the process.

If you’ve ever had a lawn invaded by dandelions, crabgrass, thistle, or other weeds, you know that if you ignore them, they will continue to spread and grow until there are more weeds than grass. Your only option is to find the most potent weed killer on the market and spray your lawn until it first stops the spread and then begins to kill off the existing weeds. The weeds don’t want to die. They will not remove themselves from your lawn voluntarily, even if you ask nicely. Their mission and purpose is clear, and unless confronted with similar conviction and steps are taken to do away with them, they will continue to do what is in their nature.

The truth of God’s word is akin to weed killer for deception. If the Word is absent in a given environment, whether a church, a denomination, or a home group, deception will spread and grow and become the dominant force. If it’s ignored, it will just get worse. If confronted with the Word, it will first cease its progress and then die out altogether. Death is a violent prospect. There is a finality to it, and deception will do its best to either survive or go scorched earth in the process of its demise. Deception will never go gently into that good night; it will always do its utmost to destroy and divide.

There is great danger in the love of an individual, a congregation, or an entire generation growing cold while the hype man passing for a shepherd insists that their love for Jesus is burning so bright that there are ushers with extinguishers on standby. The reason they get away with it is because they’ve redefined what love is, and what once used to be defined as surrender, trust, worship, and fellowship, picking up our crosses and denying ourselves, have been reduced to surpassing last week’s offering with this week’s offering.

Although the majority sitting in the pew might be faithless, aimless, purposeless, and frigid when it comes to the love of God in their hearts, if they happen to throw an extra dollar in the offering plate, they’re reassured that due to their willingness to part with a few shekels, their love has never burned brighter.

We’ve made this faith of ours about things Jesus never did. We’ve transformed it from building up our most holy faith, pursuing righteousness and holiness, dying to self, and living for Him to something wholly tethered in the material. The more you give, the holier you are. Glory hallelujah! But is that what Jesus said? You grow in holiness by daily dying to the flesh and pursuing the righteousness of God.

Matthew 24:13-14, “But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

What exactly will we have to endure and do so to the end? Christ’s words are straightforward enough. It’s not as though we can read them and draw another conclusion other than that he who endures to the end shall be saved, but it doesn’t mean countless souls haven’t tried in the last couple of centuries because the implications of those words do not bode well for those whose entire existence revolves around this present life and the ease thereof.

It’s hard to sell people on a prosperous future full of sunshine and rainbows when you’re forced to point out that they must endure something, anything, even the smallest of discomforts, because that’s not the Jesus they were sold on, and it was the first time they heard anything about the prospect of suffering or endurance.

The world will hate you; you must endure it. Your brothers will betray you; you must endure it. False prophets will rise up and deceive many; you must endure. You will be witness to the love of many growing cold; you must endure it. You will be delivered up to tribulation and killed; you must endure it. You must endure all these things to the end because the end of a race makes you a beneficiary of the inherent prize and not the beginning.

We cannot minimize the onslaught that will come against the household of faith from without and from within during the last days of the world because the enemy is fully aware that time is running out for him to attempt and draw away from the path of truth those who are not fully cemented therein.

There is only one way to endure to the end: having our eyes firmly affixed upon Jesus and letting nothing to the left or to the right capture our attention or distract us from our pursuit of Him. Know the Shepherd’s voice, and you will know when another speaks in His name that is not of His nature. If people knew what Jesus said about the last days, perhaps so many wouldn’t have fallen for the theories plaguing the church with people running to and fro looking for some hint or insight into things Jesus explicitly declared were unknowable to us.

It’s not as though He didn’t speak of things we should expect before His return; we just want to know the actual date. Many are naturally curious; others think they can use the knowledge to repent a day before His return, as though finding a loophole for an extra pizza at the local pie shop in the wording of their weekly coupons.

If you’re spending more time looking for loopholes and excuses than you ever did cementing a relationship with Jesus and growing in Him, you were never His, to begin with. Among the other things Jesus said that is met with discomfort by the modern-day church is that many would stand before Him insisting that they prophesied in His name, cast out demons in His name, and did many wonders to boot, yet Jesus will declare He never knew them.

Matthew 7:22-23, “Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea, Jr. 

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