Tuesday, March 28, 2023


 It goes far beyond unremarkably average people finding a means by which they can be deemed remarkable. It goes far beyond confusion or psychosis, and that the church isn’t seeing it for what it is, and in many instances, they validate it, encourage it, and celebrate it is tantamount to spiritual treason. When you strip everything else away, all that remains, and will ever be a constant, is the ongoing battle between good and evil, light and dark, God and the devil.

You get the feeling that it’s about more than just men putting on lipstick and saying they are women now because it is. There is no more blatant, flagrant, brazen, or deliberate way of telling God He was wrong to His face than to say that when He knew you in the womb, He messed up the most basic of tasks.

That’s what it is. That’s what it’s about, and that’s what it’s always been about. It’s about undermining the authority, omniscience, and omnipotence of God Himself. If God can get something so simple as wrong as to make me a Bob when I was supposed to be Betty, then maybe He is not so omniscient after all. Perhaps it’s just good public relations that makes men think Him omnipotent.

That is, after all, what they are saying when they insist they were born in the wrong body, or better still, born as the wrong species. How could God not know that little Molly was actually a labradoodle? I mean, Molly’s only four, but she’s very self-aware, and her mommy’s always dreamt of being deemed brave and trailblazing in between drinking sessions. What does God know anyway? Even medical professionals are coming around to putting their seal of approval on the lunacy du jour.

It’s Eve and the forbidden fruit all over again, but this time with binders, scalpels, surgeries, estrogen, and testosterone blockers. If God fumbled something as obvious as one’s gender or species, what else was He wrong about?

See how the devil works? See how insidious and nefarious the plan is? And the church, having the discernment of a cactus, went along with it as though it was nothing more than people trying to express themselves. No, the church wasn’t the doctor Frankenstein in this case, it just provided the body parts to create the monster, and it’s not even fully grown yet. Once it gets its sea legs, this monster will ravage everything in its path until it burns itself out, destroying countless innocents along the way.

We’ve been conditioned not to point out that the emperor has no clothes for so long that doing so now requires either an act of bravery or the innocence of a child unaware of the potential blowback they might incur. It’s what the godless are counting on because, as is the case with being sedentary, the longer you are silent, the greater the chance that you will remain so. Let some other rube stick his head up, speak out, and say something. Sure, after public sentiment shifts, and we’re no longer in danger of blowback, we’ll act brave and beat our chests, and make bombastic speeches, but now, now is the time to be smart and stealthy and blend into the background so no one notices us.

What’s a few dead here and there when compared to an appearance on Oprah to peddle your latest ghostwritten drivel about finding happiness within or seeing yourself not as you are but as you’d like to be someday? We’ve got units to move, perverts to pacify, the godless to coddle, and the hell-bound to reassure that it’s just a clerical error and no one’s gotten around to changing out the signs yet.

Nobody really goes to hell; it’s just a scare tactic. Powerhouses like Rick Warren and Joel Osteen agree that God was just joshing when He said the soul that sins would die. It’s like when your parents insisted that if you don’t stop watching television, you’d go blind. See, you haven’t gone blind even though you’re still watching television. God’s not your mom, though, and He doesn’t make empty threats.

So what’s the point of the rant this morning? Simply that there are certain realities the powers that be would rather we not dwell upon because it destroys the narrative they’ve painstakingly tried to weave.

Let’s just say that if so clear a pattern were to emerge, that of the latest mindless, cruel, and pointless expressions of violence with mass casualties, over half were professing Christians, all you’d hear on television is how Christianity radicalizes people into committing atrocities. There would be no end to it. Pseudo-scholars would bloviate about the dangers of religion as a whole, but more precisely Christianity, psychologists would come on talking about how faith-based education retards social interaction, and even pastors would come on making apologies for how mean-spirited Jesus comes off when He says love your enemies.  

By my count, and yes, I’m keeping track even though we’re not supposed to be, the individual in Chicago during the Christmas day parade incident, the one in Texas, and now the one in Tennessee either dabbled with crossdressing, with photographic proof, or identified as transgender. A pattern is emerging that no one wants to point out. Yes, I know the whole thing about correlation versus causation, but ducks quack, dogs bark, and pigs grunt.

I know; facts. That’s just hate speech right there, them facts; what about the crusades? Those were horrible, and you don’t condemn those! If you have to go back to the crusades to try and make your point, you don’t have a leg to stand on…maybe if you identify as a chair.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea, Jr.  

1 comment:

Cynthia R Gruwell said...

Personally, I believe the crusades were something horrible. They were not Gods doing, they were mans.
And yes, I have also seen the pattern emerging. Most of them are people that hate themselves, and want to blame it on God giving them the wrong sex, or mom or dad didn't treat them right. Or whatever they have chosen to be the problem. Giving them chemical drugs to treat the problem is actually making it worse in many of them.
So many of them are ticking time bombs, ready to explode at any moment. And they are targeting anyone that is considered innocent, or someone of faith. And many of them have said that someone or something was telling them to do it. Demons love creating havoc and sorrow. And we have allowed this as a country to flourish.