Friday, February 5, 2021

Things Being Equal

 You give two men an acre of land, a bag of seed, a hoe, and a tiller each, and generally speaking, you have equality of opportunity. Sure, one of the two acres might have a few more rocks strewn about than the other, be on an incline, or not get the right amount of sun, but all in all, the two men have all the necessary tools as far as their opportunity for a harvest is concerned.

What they do beyond the point of having what they need will determine the outcome for each of them. One might not be as industrious as the other, one might not be willing to toil as hard as the other, one might know more about farming than the other, and so there is a divergence as far as outcome is concerned.

No two people will do something that is moderately complex in the same exact manner to ensure the exact same outcome. I know, I know, Michael Bloomberg thinks it’s as easy as making a hole with your thumb, dumping the seed in, kicking dirt over it, and eating ripe tomatoes a few days later, but there is a science to farming, and you need to know not only what you need to do, but when you need to do it.

It saddens me to no end to think that drive, skill, motivation, natural ability, determination, grit, and passion will have very little to do with how far my children get in life anymore. It makes my stomach churn to consider that all someone has to do to edge out one of my daughters for their dream job is to claim that they’re a transgender dyslexic amputee albino with a lazy eye even though they are less skilled and less qualified.

The decaying corpse of meritocracy will incubate all manner of nasty mutations. When they are spawned and fully realized, it will make the Chinese social credit system look like child’s play.

Of all the things that have been hemorrhaging from this administration the past couple of weeks, this is, perhaps, the most personal. Equality of opportunity is no longer good enough; now, there must be equality of outcome. It matters not how much harder or longer one individual works than the other; when they cross the finish line, they must do so simultaneously.

What this means, going back to the analogy of the two farmers, is that if one of the farmers breaks ahead of the other in his tilling or planting, non-elected bureaucrats will begin clubbing him about the head and shoulders until the other can catch up. If come harvest time one has more crop than the other, he gets punished and penalized for tending to his acre of land and making sure he gets the most out of it.

If success becomes a punishable offense, how long before people stop trying to be successful? If whether I run or walk toward the finish line matters not a smidgeon, why would I exert myself beyond the bare minimum?

In case you haven’t caught on, this is a gateway mindset to a nanny state, where all you have to do is sit in your basement with saran wrap around your face, and someone will be by to drop off a box of nacho cheese and macaroni every seven to ten days. Self-reliance and drive will not only be looked down upon but severely punished, because if perchance, you wake up at 3 am instead of 10 am and work eighteen-hour days instead of two, you are problematic and hate poor people.

It used to be the takers were just happy there were enough givers to keep them fed and clothed without having to toil. Now the givers have become the enemy for simply being givers because they are a constant indictment to the lazy and unmotivated that the only reason they haven’t succeeded in a country like America is that they didn’t really want to.

Before the Beth Moore fans clutch at their pearls and accuse me of insensitivity toward the plight of some indigenous peoples, immigrants, or dyslexic albinos, my family came here with nothing from a country the likes of which you want to turn this country into. Though rich by no means, I know that I will always be able to keep a roof over my children’s heads and food in their bellies with enough hard work and dedication. As paltry as that might sound to some, it’s more than can be said of most countries in the world.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr. 

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