Friday, September 22, 2023


 History rarely repeats itself, but it harmonizes more often than we would like to admit. Not everything plays out exactly as it did in prior iterations, but the similarities and similitudes are undeniable in the aggregate. If it happened once, it’s likely to happen again, and the reason is man's unyielding, unchanging nature. By nature of our flesh, we are stiffnecked and stubborn to the point of hurting ourselves and those we love just to say we got the upper hand in an argument.

If someone is willing to go scorched earth when the stakes are something as irrelevant as who left a wet towel on the floor, what do you think some people will do when the stakes are power, prestige, and more money than they could earn honestly in a hundred lifetimes?

We may like to think we are different from our forefathers, more erudite and contemplative, more world-wise and discerning, but other than a few gadgets and an alarming decrease in testosterone when it comes to young men, we are the same, ever-bumbling about, ever trying to stand out, ever trying to be one rung above our contemporaries.

We may bathe more and smell a bit better, but we are no different than those who came before us, and more than anything, this is why, even without prophetic insight, the future is somewhat predictable. The only unknowns are what some have taken to calling black swan events, and those usually throw a wrench in the works, but all things being equal, barring a cataclysmic natural disaster or a world war, the following year is relatively easy to map out.

Since I have neither the time nor the inclination to cover the world, we’ll stick to our side of the hemisphere and focus on some of the things we will likely see play out over the next twelve months or so. This isn’t prophecy; it’s what I personally see happening, just so we’re clear.

That some will likely take this article and spin it enough to make it their own and then decree that it was a message from on High is beyond my control. We all have to answer for what we do and the words we speak in His name, so I’ll leave them in God’s hands.

When propagandists see that their propaganda isn’t working as effectively anymore, they can only double down on the propaganda and simultaneously attempt to silence anyone with an opposing viewpoint. What we are likely to see sooner rather than later is a ratcheting up of the propaganda and a renewed concerted effort to silence anyone with an audience who does not toe the line and parrot the narrative. Fear is a tool that has worked well in the past, so I wouldn’t be surprised if another heretofore unheard-of deadly pathogen were to emerge and make its way around the world in less time than it would take you to read the book of Obadiah.

It will be unprecedented and horrible beyond belief, and the only surefire cure will be to vote by mail in the next elections. The pieces are already being moved into place, and the board is set for a repeat of 2020. Indeed, the dead shall rise anew to vote for the most popular person ever to wear adult diapers. Before you judge the dead, just remember he’s the only one who can see them. On more than one occasion, the man, the myth, the legend that was the vanquisher of none other than Cornpop has shaken hands with people who weren’t there. It’s a gift not all possess.

I don’t see a return to lockdowns, not because they wouldn’t love to replay that particular classic, but because not enough people will comply again, and the economy couldn’t handle the stress of another two years of people doing nothing but binge eating Doritos and developing an alcohol problem. They may float a trial balloon or two, but when it gets soundly rejected, they’ll compromise as long as they can interpret the election results in a manner most fitting with their agenda. Yes, that’s a nice way of saying steal it.

Those in power have one overarching purpose and desire: to remain in power, consolidate their power, and amplify their power. Their need to rule is so single-minded that though they rule a heap of ashes, it will have been worth it.

Whoever they choose to go after first will be made an example of so that none of the peasants even think about providing a counterargument to their insanity. It’s a jarring thing to have the full force of your government attempt to crush you underfoot. That they are aided by private sector platforms and entities who make a good chunk of their money from government contracts only adds to the already long odds of surviving such a purge intact.

They’ve concluded you’re too dumb to hear opposing views. It may cloud your judgment, and you might bristle at the idea of wearing a face diaper until the day you die. Soon, even the corpses will be wearing face masks at the open casket viewings. They must be remembered in death as they were in life, and for some, no one’s seen what they look like below the bridge of their nose for years.

This will be the first salvo in a multi-layered conflict in this nation. It will not be the last; the closer we get, it will only intensify. I share these things not to scare or cause you distress but to prepare you. It may feel like a thorn in the eye presently, but I would rather know what follows and prepare for it than live in a state of unfounded optimism that will never materialize.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea, Jr.  

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