Monday, August 4, 2008

Out of the Frying Pan

I was hoping that once I got home I would get to rest for a few days. Even the strongest among us need a few days of rest once in awhile, and especially when it comes to ministry and seeing a necessary message fall on deaf ears time and time again, it can get tiresome.
The day after I got home, the rains started. Two days later, we were doing all we could to deal with the floods that have swept through our part of the country. Thousands of people were left homeless in a matter of hours, as river after river flooded, and any home that was not on higher ground fell victim to the onrushing waters.
I apologize for not being able to post anything of late, but every morning we are out trying to see where we can be a help, from something as simple as passing out bottled water, to helping people with food and clothing. The consensus among those who have lived in these parts all their lives is that they have never seen devastation of this magnitude. The rains have stopped, but only briefly. Tomorrow they are said to start again and a fearful expectation of a repeat performance is keeping many awake at night.
To top it all off, I was recently flagged as a 'spammer' by this fine site, and was not allowed to post anything for the past week and a half. The situation has been remedied, and as soon as I clean the mud from between my toes, get a decent night's sleep and am able to put two coherent thoughts together I will post something that is relevant.
From what I've been able to read in snippets, things are not much better in the states, from tropical storms, floods, heatwaves and the like. Keep us in your prayers, and we will keep you in ours. In the end, all we have is Christ, and the family of Christ to depend upon, to lean on, and to tell our hurts to. It is one of those greatly overlooked benefits of being a child of God.
I can throw out some cliched line about overcoming at this point, but as I've said repeatedly I prefer to be honest and forthright. Yes, I have my concerns, yes I have my fears, yes the condition of the world we are presently living in is troubling to say the least. A child of God is in no way intended to be above all these things, but know in perpetuity that he or she will always have a present help in time of trouble. We trust our Heavenly Father as we press on, knowing that His grace is sufficient in any situation.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.


Anonymous said...

Dear Brother Michael,
Everything you write is a blessing, even the silence speaks, because the life that you live, even though we cannnot see it- speaks more loudly then the words put on these pages. We know you love us, though you may have never seen us, we know we are in your thoughts because we as believers and brethern are in the thoughts of our Father- who is in you. I respect you for your apologies, for wanting us to know why, what, where and when, and also to be made aware of your needs, and how you are doing. We do want to know those things because we love you and you're family, but I never feel abandoned or forgotten when you cannot post. You are doing what we are all called to do, being a livng witness of God's love and grace. We pray the Lords will is to allow yet another post on another day, but we pray also for his blessing upon you, direction for your life, for your safety, and that He will continue to strenghten you for the task at hand. I always rejoice when he gives you a time of quiet and stillness in the garden, after you have withdrawn for a time from the crowds, even our Savior needed that time of quiet and refreshing. May you be blessed this day with rest for spirit, soul and body, may you be blessed with joy of heart in the midst of so much pain and chaos that surrounds you, and I pray that God allows you that sense of knowing you have done exactly what you were suppose to have done, so that your heart is not in turmoil with wondering if somehow you may have missed someone that He intended for you to help. May you enter into His Rest this day brother. We love you and your family and will continue to pray and lift you to the Lord.
Peace Be with you and your family.
Rachele & Michael

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike, sorry to hear about the flooding!!! I've been checking the net to see how people are responding to your blog. All good reviews, check your email, I sent you an attachment regarding what I found. I really think the devil tries to stop the words you speak/write from going forth. Be happy that your a threat to his kingdom that he has to work so hard to stop you. Be encouraged! Press On! Anne

Anonymous said...

Dear Brother Michael Boldea Jr.,

When I think of Seer Prophet Evangelist Brother Duduman and his family when they first came to the USA, by orders of the Almighty to warn the USA; and when I think of how the rich church in the USA did not fully meet their actual needs, I have to ask you on behalf of the USA Body of Jesus Christ, to please forgive us, for surely we have been very selfish and unloving, the American Church is so rich in money, and so wretched and poor spiritually. As you know because God loves America and the Iraelites living here, He will be helping them to come to terms with "what being a true Christian is really all about."

And you as well, Michael, called by the Almighty to be one of His prophets, and how we treated you when you were forced by the Living God to come here and live, so God would warn this spoiled church and nation, because of His great love towards us.

Michael, kindly please forgive us, and on behalf of the USA Body of Jesus Christ, "we" ask you to kindly forgive the USA for being so selfish "when your family was in such need and hardship," and the USA church could have easily supplied that need more fully, yet "fully did not," oh yes, some came to the emergency rescue, but the books in Heaven show we were overall a failure as the Body of Jesus in the USA, when you all were in such need.

I have read the book, "Through The Fire Without Burning," I could tell the great hardships your grandfather endure and the rest of the family as well, as Christians in a very rich country. I know this is late from the American Church as a whole, but I have been in repentance for our sins towards God's prophets and our terrible behaviors as Christians towards other Christians truly in need!

I know you have the love of Jesus in you, and you have forgiven the Body of Jesus in the USA, but I can't help but tell you how grieved and sorry I am that we behaved so terribe as a whole, to your family, when you folks were in such hardships and needs as Christians.

May God help the Body of Jesus to come to terms with what is really important before God!

Sad to say, the Body of Jesus in the USA, will soon be learning some hard lessons herself.

God bless you propeht of God, and your family,

A friend of the prophets,

Nameless Christian

Anonymous said...

You were out there living up to your website name - the handofhelp lending a helping hand! If only American Christians had a heart to help too.

Well we all WISH you were a spammer! We would like MORE by you! bad google - bad google .. no surprise. I know googles hatred of the one true GOD of Christianity so I chose a blog that is NOT google!

A Seed Sower said...

I think there was an oops on your sanctury comments there young bro you posted my comment,the same one, four I can tell you how to get them off or you can go to the help section...u can still get the extra three God bless and keep you...I dont want other saints to think i was trying to flood your comments

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,
Due to all the goings on in Lakeland with Bentley there is much discussion on angels etc. Here is an answer Andrew Strom gave concernng a question as to whether seeing angels, being caught up into the 3rd heaven and visions were real or not ( ).
It reminded me of a question I have wanted to ask for a long time. In your dreams and visions there has been a man who comes to you, sometimes dressed differently, was this an angel and if not who or what is he? Wasn't your grandfather visited by Michael the Archangel? I have no real purpose for asking except that I am curious and trying to understand these types of supernatural things that are from God,as I beleive you and your grandfathers were.
Obviously the enemy has many imitations and people who are being deceived by the droves are seeking these things instead seeking the Lord our Creator and His righteousness and holiness. I cannot imagine being in the presence of an Angel and not being in fear and trembling or carrying on a conversation with one as if it was a daily occurance.
How far we humans have fallen to having so much pride that we should think we can call upon the angels or enter the 3rd heaven at our bidding for our own greed or whatever.
May God have mercy and allow us to repent of such things.

Thank you for allowing me to ask this question. I realize you are very busy and if you cannot find time to answer then that is fine, I understand. Thank you for sharing your time in reading this. May God continue to bless you and your family. We keep you in our prayers.

Rachele and Michael Rumabaugh

Anonymous said...

Michael, we are so glad to "hear" from you! Thanks for telling us what's going on over there, so we can have a better sense of how to pray for you and yours, and for the ones who are suffering. It's heartwarming to know that you are making a difference to those who are in such dire need. Our love and our prayers will be with you!


Anonymous said...

Bro. Mike,

I'm going to go a little off subject here to ask you a question of curiousity. When did you start receiving dreams, visions and the words of our Lord? Where they in your youth, later in life or after your dear Grandfather passed away- the mantle to be passed onto you I guess in so many words to carry on the work? Really, there is no reason that I ask, other then my curiosity.

Peace to you, your wife and all our brothers and sisters in Romania. I glad to hear that Bro. Daniel is doing much better, in our trials, our faith grows in Him. May He be glorified.

Praying for all of you always,
Your sister in our Lord

A Seed Sower said...

I see the bear is awake and active across the sea from you there brother, I pray for any saints that may be in Georgia...

Anonymous said...

Dear Brother Michael,

God is trying to tell us something with all the storms, etc. happening here and over there.

25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." Matthew 7:25-27

God understands what it feels like to have His message fall on deaf ears, too.

Be encouraged in the Lord. Not every ear is a deaf one that your message is falling upon. There are those of us who come to your blog often, for we know we will find Truth written here, by a godly man who seeks to live and walk filled with God's Holy Spirit.

Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and He also said, "... But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."
"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." (John 14:26; 16,17
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." (John 10:7)
"He who has ears, let him hear." Matthew 11:15

"Thank you!" from just another fellow sheep eager to listen to the voice of the Master as expressed by His Holy Spirit through the Scriptures and by way of his servant (you Michael).

Praying for you & your wife to continue to walk armed with His mighty power, filled with His love, covered with His shield, and aware of all His blessings!

Anonymous said...


Dear Brother Michael you are a blessing indeed and I'm stray from the topic a bit.

Sitting here in Jerusalem reading the poll numbers, I have a feeling of déjàvu. There was a time in Israel when the Oslo Accords and the sincerity of Yasser Arafat were, believe it or not,controversial subjects. More than that, anyone who was against Oslo, who believed Arafat was a terrorist and a liar, and that land for peace was a deception that would lead to terror and
war, was vilified. What didn't they call us realists? War-mongers. Partners with Yigal Amir. There was no debate, just hysteria and vilification. I have
to say that even my own family felt we should 'give peace a chance' and watched the handshake on the White House lawn (which I refused to watch and which made me ill) with hope. I was informed that since I wasn't going to be
serving in the army, I had no right to suggest that signing this peace agreement was a bad thing.

You know what? It intimidated me. I started to think: how could it be that everyone was so happy and enthusiastic, and I was miserable and depressed? How could they see doves and handshakes when all I could see was terrorist bombs and dead bodies?

So I tried to see the world through their glasses. I tried to be hopeful too. And when it came time to vote, I even voted for a Peace Now candidate,not because I thought there would be peace, but because I thought that it was better for the country to at least put into practice it's wrong ideas,
and to experience first hand how badly it was all going to work out. That there was no other way to have unity, because if they didn't get that chance, they would never shut up, and would always blame the opposition for
not giving them a chance. I stopped speaking out. I went along.

What we got, of course, was hell on earth. Thousands were killed, thousands more were injured as Arafat unleashed unbridled terrorist attacks, using the
guns our government had given him to kill Israelis, many of them women and children; using the free access into Israel to blow up pizza parlors and discos and bar mitzvah celebrations.

And then came my turn, sitting in the Park Hotel with my family, including my child and political opponent, who was all in favor of Oslo, when the building blew up.

When I came out of that alive with my husband and children, I swore never to be intimidated again. I swore that next time when no-nothings asserted political beliefs that were blatantly wrong, and would lead to disaster, I
would oppose them openly, come what may. I would also never again suspend my disbelief that other people knew better, including high level academics,intellectuals, and other elites. Including my closest family members. I would keep my common sense.

The Presidential election of the most liberal and inexperienced politician in America, a man with strong Muslim ties and a strong Muslim background; a man who IS linked to domestic terrorism through Bill Ayers, and to numerous
pro-Islamic and anti-American advisors - all of whom side with Israel's Leftist enemies (including some Israelis) as well as to anti-American,anti-Semites like Reverend Wright; a man whose supporters are among the same
people who brought down the American economy with their 'liberalism' in
money-lending, is just about a fait accompli. I have no idea what has happened to the America I knew. I have no idea what happened to the American Jewish community's support for Israel, how it has been washed away by deceptive self-interest and propaganda lies. But when I think what is in store for the America which is doing this to herself, and the American
Jewish community who thinks by selling out Israel it will somehow achieve "change" that will benefit it, my heart aches.

I know that I am helpless to stop this juggernaut towards disaster. Perhaps it is America's turn to experience first hand what we in Israel experienced: the consequences of electing a leadership which does not have the best interests of the country in mind; which has an agenda that has nothing to do with those interests. Sometimes people have to make horrible mistakes in
order to learn that they are horrible mistakes. In Israel, this included over 25,000 terrorist attacks. Children dying in the streets. Being afraid
to walk to the bus stop or even enter a store......

Americans have had a wonderful life in a wonderful country. Everybody in the world wants to live in America. Now, Americans want 'change.' They are about
to get it.

May God watch over them. Maybe this is how God intends to get them all to make amends? I wonder how they'll feel when they are sitting here with the rest of us, Obama in the White House, and Iran with a atom bomb.

--Naomi Ragen, citizen of both Israel and the USA

Anonymous said...


Dear Brother Michael you are a blessing indeed. God wants us the Americans to open our eyes and choose life.

Sitting here in Jerusalem reading the poll numbers, I have a feeling of déjàvu. There was a time in Israel when the Oslo Accords and the sincerity of Yasser Arafat were, believe it or not,controversial subjects. More than that, anyone who was against Oslo, who believed Arafat was a terrorist and a liar, and that land for peace was a deception that would lead to terror and
war, was vilified. What didn't they call us realists? War-mongers. Partners with Yigal Amir. There was no debate, just hysteria and vilification. I have
to say that even my own family felt we should 'give peace a chance' and watched the handshake on the White House lawn (which I refused to watch and which made me ill) with hope. I was informed that since I wasn't going to be
serving in the army, I had no right to suggest that signing this peace agreement was a bad thing.

You know what? It intimidated me. I started to think: how could it be that everyone was so happy and enthusiastic, and I was miserable and depressed? How could they see doves and handshakes when all I could see was terrorist bombs and dead bodies?

So I tried to see the world through their glasses. I tried to be hopeful too. And when it came time to vote, I even voted for a Peace Now candidate,not because I thought there would be peace, but because I thought that it was better for the country to at least put into practice it's wrong ideas,
and to experience first hand how badly it was all going to work out. That there was no other way to have unity, because if they didn't get that chance, they would never shut up, and would always blame the opposition for
not giving them a chance. I stopped speaking out. I went along.

What we got, of course, was hell on earth. Thousands were killed, thousands more were injured as Arafat unleashed unbridled terrorist attacks, using the
guns our government had given him to kill Israelis, many of them women and children; using the free access into Israel to blow up pizza parlors and discos and bar mitzvah celebrations.

And then came my turn, sitting in the Park Hotel with my family, including my child and political opponent, who was all in favor of Oslo, when the building blew up.

When I came out of that alive with my husband and children, I swore never to be intimidated again. I swore that next time when no-nothings asserted political beliefs that were blatantly wrong, and would lead to disaster, I
would oppose them openly, come what may. I would also never again suspend my disbelief that other people knew better, including high level academics,intellectuals, and other elites. Including my closest family members. I would keep my common sense.

The Presidential election of the most liberal and inexperienced politician in America, a man with strong Muslim ties and a strong Muslim background; a man who IS linked to domestic terrorism through Bill Ayers, and to numerous
pro-Islamic and anti-American advisors - all of whom side with Israel's Leftist enemies (including some Israelis) as well as to anti-American,anti-Semites like Reverend Wright; a man whose supporters are among the same
people who brought down the American economy with their 'liberalism' in
money-lending, is just about a fait accompli. I have no idea what has happened to the America I knew. I have no idea what happened to the American Jewish community's support for Israel, how it has been washed away by deceptive self-interest and propaganda lies. But when I think what is in store for the America which is doing this to herself, and the American
Jewish community who thinks by selling out Israel it will somehow achieve "change" that will benefit it, my heart aches.

I know that I am helpless to stop this juggernaut towards disaster. Perhaps it is America's turn to experience first hand what we in Israel experienced: the consequences of electing a leadership which does not have the best interests of the country in mind; which has an agenda that has nothing to do with those interests. Sometimes people have to make horrible mistakes in
order to learn that they are horrible mistakes. In Israel, this included over 25,000 terrorist attacks. Children dying in the streets. Being afraid
to walk to the bus stop or even enter a store......

Americans have had a wonderful life in a wonderful country. Everybody in the world wants to live in America. Now, Americans want 'change.' They are about
to get it.

May God watch over them. Maybe this is how God intends to get them all to make amends? I wonder how they'll feel when they are sitting here with the rest of us, Obama in the White House, and Iran with a atom bomb.

--Naomi Ragen, citizen of both Israel and the USA

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,

The Spirit of God has been repeating the name duduman to my spirit within the past 2 weeks; I am an immigrant living in the USA; I am a seer and on occasion have been given the gift of prophescy through open visions and dreams. I decided to look up on the internet this name and was surprised when I realized that your grandfather was a prophet and a seer. I will spend some time reading his visions and will seek God as to what he wants me to do....

Anonymous said...

I wish you blessings. I just found out about you and your grandfather. I put a link to your site on my blog.